Tisera Act 1 Chapter 0: Azure awakens to a new world
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Act 1 Chapter 0: Azure awakens to a new world


In the year of 4997, an ancient evil returned to this world, from the land of Aeternitas. Shadow beings were released from these cursed lands, corrupting the surrounding landscapes. Mortum, the ruler of Aeternitas, launched numerous assaults across Titan. The following years, the surrounding kingdoms began invading back, protecting their land, and stopping the invasion. In the year 5003, a collective push was initiated, drafting numerous reserve soldiers and citizens. The group now known as Azure, was one of the chosen ones. Some like Kalahan Ostragoth, willingly choose to fight, while others like Frogo and Thorne Hayes, were dragged into a war they didn't want to fight for. The resulting assault ultimately failed, and lead to a stalemate between the kingdoms. In the year 5023, Not'umel frees Azure from Mortum's prison. A guards spots them, and they quickly dispose of them. Thorne Hayes interrogates them, revealing that they've been frozen in stone for around two decades. They steal the key and weapon from the guard, and follow Not'umel. Frogo splits up from the group, resulting in them investigating two paths to get to the exit. Frogo is stuck dealing with a guard, while the other group stumples upon Puffer, and ultimately save her. After sneaking away from the guards, they find a weapon room, and ready themselves for action. They deal with the guards, and save Frogo. Along the way they find Asraar Jabal, an old but mysterious old hazel skinned man. Asraar Jabal uses some black powder to blow up a wall to a seemingly empty cave. Upon going in, they hear noises from behind, and Not'umel splits up from the party, and hands Thorne Hayes a glowing rock. The rest of the group heads for the cave, to which they discover is filled with spiders.

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