Magic School of Ochis Building / Landmark in THF Universe | World Anvil

Magic School of Ochis

A large school dedicated to use and exploitation of magic. This was constructed on the Suon occupied continent of Ocis, Mauray. Following the suon first contact with Elves, they discovered that magic exists. Of course, they wanted to know more and to understand how magic works better. As such, suons from Ocis are more likely to be magicians than those from other continents. The magic school is a very large building. It educates people from all over the continent. Even the professional magicians there often learn new things and practice their magic abiilty.   Although the continent is known as Ocis, the school was named Ochis.


The school has been upgraded over time. Additional sections were added to the building. Sometimes even new entire floors. However, there are many other buildings that have been constructed nearby to assist the main building. It is now closer to a fully fledged school.


Due to the high energy nature of magic, wood is suceptible to fire. As such, most areas are constructed out of strong rocks (they experimentally found out which rock composition is the strongest that they could get their hands on). The buildings themselves are decorated with large, skillfully cut archways.


Defended by a lot of suon mages as well as Heavy Tension Quadrepetal Crossbows. There are several towers with permanently mounted, supoerheavy crossbows.
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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