Suon Nation Mauray Organization in THF Universe | World Anvil

Suon Nation Mauray

Nation of Suons on Mauray. Suons have average magic attunement.   They control a lot of the areas on Mauray that support soun life.


The suons were one of the first sentient species engineered on Mauray. Left without opposition, they quickly dominated all the areas that could support suon life. Their first contact with another sentient species happened with Elves underground. It was here that they discovered that magic exists. Naturally, the suons became curious and investigated. They eventuallyt learned they could use it for themselves, though not to as high a degree as the Elves themselves.
Geopolitical, Country
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Major Exports
With their advanced ingenuity, they export creatively engineered itesms such as quadrepetal crossbows or powerful explosive compunds.
Controlled Territories
Related Species


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