Anagon Species in THF Universe | World Anvil


A sentient alien species native to the Arcturus Galaxy. The Anagon race is an anomaly to the Hyperion Federation - their homeworld is Urgand, a neutron star with a class B star, both orbiting each other, forming a binary system. The Anagon came from the neutron star, and are entirely comprised of neutron QCD matter. As neutrons bonded to each other via the strong nuclear force, complex molecules formed and created QCD matter life on the world. QCD matter is extremely dense; despite them being just 0.2 mm tall on average, they are heavier than humans.   Normally, due to the extremely rapid speed at which nuclear reactions take place compared to cheimcal ones, Anagons would experience time significantly faster than other species. However, the Xadia Ancients predicted this would happen. They could not allow them to subjugate their project, the Suon species. The ancients built a time dilation machine and embedded it in the star that eventually supernova'd and turned into the neutron star. This machine dilated the time experienced by Anagons as well as other species on that world so that they experience time in a simlar rate as other races.

Basic Information


Due to the extreme gravity, avagons are very short. They also need to be incredibly strong to stand up. Due to the extreme gravity of the neutron star, anagons evolved with a very non-humanoid anatomy. They are notably very short and have about 20 tentacles for manipulation, as well as 4 larger ones used for movement. They also have a head located at the top of the body with 4 extremely small eyes.

Genetics and Reproduction

Anagons have 2 different genders, male and female, and reproduce like mammals. Newborn anagons achieve sentience after about 15 months (Earth equivalent time, the neutron star doesnt have months), and develop to full grown size after about 20 years. They become reproductively fertile after about 16 years.

Ecology and Habitats

Anagons like to construct houses similar to oher races, but notably, their occupied worlds require no defences as it is impossible for any Arcturus faction to invade Anagon worlds (they are neutron stars). Even orbital bombardment is very inefficient and unsuccessful, rarely getting any anagons killed outside of direct hits.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Objects passing through an anagon digestive tract are typically expelled after about 4-5 days. If they dont eat for about 1 month they will starve.

Biological Cycle

The anagon body can adapt to variations in temperature. During relatively cold periods, the body can form a shell around itself and simultaneously reduce the surface area to better retain heat. In hotter temperatures, the opposite applies.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Anagons have extremely small eyes. They can see UV light far better than visible light. Otherwise, they can also hear sounds because the neutron star does have an atmosphere, just a very small and dense one. As QCD matter is extremely dense, sound travels very rapidly.

Civilization and Culture


On their homeworld, a very long time ago, neutrons of QCD matter combined with each other via the strong force, creating moleculjes. Eventually they became large and complex enough to self-replicate, allowing for life. Upon evolving to become sentient, they still needed to defeat all the larger predators on their homeworld. Due to the extreme gravity, ranged weapons developed on the neutron star would have an immense velocity, with much energy put into the projectiles via the Anagon's very powerful muscles which are required to exist on the neutron star. These projectile weapons are powerful enough to defeat the larger predators on the star. Due to the lack of fissile materials on the star, fission reactors were never developed.
Average Height
0.2 mm
Average Weight
90 kg
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