Vesra Geographic Location in Theoma | World Anvil
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Where is Vesra?

North of Varsitra, west of Akilno and Mosdenechrak, southwest of Inadagedyn and Inaildoro, and south of Ranivik, Walled Garden, is another theome that is commonly left off of maps. Together, they are a great long-grass prairie in central Tachamund.

How is Vesra classified?

Missing. There is no known land god in Vesra, despite reports by a few explorers of strange dreams while camping in this place.

What kind of population and economy does Vesra have?

There are a few farms on the edge of the theome near Mosdenechrak. The soil is good, and it stays good because the people who dwell upon the farms are all Vrash who can keep it that way.

There are no trade roads in Vesra, so it's far more isolated than Varsitra. The land gods occasionally direct querents to maintain the roads in Varsitra for some reason... but they've never directed people to establish them at all in Vesra.

Local Jewel
Akilno and Mosdenechrak
Fate Pressure
1/5 (Missing)


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