Specializations in Thedastria | World Anvil
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Flemeth Zecora’s Black Grimoire

A specialization is another way to customize your pony and focus your class. If you say your pony is a warrior, that’s a broad statement. If you say that your pony is a templar, that says a lot more about them.   You get access to specializations through your class. You can take a specialization for the first time at level 6. That grants you the D4 degree in the appropriate specialization talent (a talent unique to that specialization). You gain the D8 degree at level 8 and the D12 degree at level 10; this is the only way to gain new degrees in specialization talents. You get a second specialization at level 14. The specializations included in this section are as follows:     The classes are designed so you finish one specialization at level 10 by taking one degree of the specialization talent at each of levels 6, 8, and 10. It could be, however, that you don’t want to take a specialization, or can’t qualify for one. If you prefer, you can always take a degree in a regular talent instead of a specialization talent at these levels. The next time you’d get a specialization talent, you can take a specialization at that point or take another regular talent.  

Unlocking Specializations

The default assumption of the rules is that every special-ization for your class is open to you when you hit level 6. This gives you the broadest array of choices. Your GM may require you to work to access certain specializations, however. If that is their decision, you can unlock a specialization in three ways:  


A trainer is a GM controlled pony who already has the specialization. Trainers have motivations of their own, of course, so they may require money, favors, oaths, or actions before agreeing to teach you.  


Quests can vary widely in specific details, but basically your GM will create a special side adventure with you as the focus, the completion of which will unlock the desired specialization. If you wanted to become a Spirit Healer, for example, you might have to figure out how to contact a benevolent spirit in the Fade.  


The knowledge and techniques of some specializations has been written down and can sometimes be learned by reading and study. There are many forbidden tomes about Blood Magic, for example, and they have led many a mage down that dark path.  

Planning Ahead

Since you know that you’ll be getting a specialization at level 6, it’s a good idea to start thinking about what you’re going to choose when you hit level 5. Then discuss it with your GM. This will give your GM a chance to prepare and work your choice into the campaign. If they decide you must find a trainer, for example, that’s something you can pursue while working towards level 6. Then when you get there, you’ll be ready for the specialization.

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