Grey Wonderbolts specialization Profession in Thedastria | World Anvil
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Grey Wonderbolts specialization


It is possible for any pony to become a Grey Wonderbolt.  

Playing a Grey Wonderbolt

There are as many ways to play a Grey Wonderbolt as there are Grey Wonderbolts; there is no wrong way to go about it.   When you play a Grey Wonderbolt, consider your pony’s background, the circumstances of their initiation, and what being a Wonderbolt means to them. A criminal saved from execution by the Right of Conscription will have a different take on what it means to be a Grey Wonderbolt than a young woman who aspired to join their ranks since childhood. Above all, don’t let anyone—in Thedastria or at your game table—tell you how your Grey Wonderbolt must behave. Instead, embrace your own vision of what one of these mighty heroes can be!



  • There are no strict prerequisites for this, and it is not tied to class or level. The only qualification is that a Grey Wonderbolt thinks that the candidate has what it takes. Strength of will and a strong sense of duty are common attributes but sometimes the most unlikely candidates end up making the best Grey Wonderbolts.

Career Progression

  • Those chosen go through a period of training. This can be as long or as short as the Warden trainer desires. It is uncommon for ponies of less than level 6 to be chosen for the Joining, the perilous and enigmatic ritual that turns a recruit into a full-fledged Grey Warden. It is an elite order and normally only those who have proved themselves are given the chance to join its ranks.
Join us, brothers and sisters. Join us in the shadows where we stand vigilant. Join us as we carry the duty that cannot be forsworn. And should you perish, know that your sacrifice will not be forgotten. And that one day we shall join you.
— From the Joining
  • If you become a Grey Warden, it will be a major event in the game. You will play through your training period and the Joining. If you make it and become a Grey Warden, you gain additional talents.

Other Benefits

  • Upgrade one talent of your choice.
  • You gain a D4 in a new talent.
  • You gain the resistance to the taint quirk. You can’t be turned into a ghoul by darkspawn blood (see The Chant of Light)
  • You have the Right of Conscription, and so can recruit others into the Grey Wardens. In theory this can be anypony, but political realities (especially in Feralden) usually cause Wardens to tread carefully. You must also learn the Joining ritual (and have access to the esoteric components it requires) in order to mint new Wardens, and this is not always taught to newer recruits.
  • You can detect darkspawn up to a number of yards away equal to 5 × your level (so a level 8 character can detect darkspawn up to 40 yards away). You can make Keen Knowledge: Detect Darkspawn (D4) tests to find out more information, such as their rough numbers or even their types. The result of the die determines how much information you get. You do not start with this talent, but you can take it later when you level up.
In war, victory.
In peace, vigilance.
In death, sacrifice.
  • There is more to being a Grey Warden than this, but the rest you will find out by playing in your campaign.


Social Status

  • Broadly speaking, Wonderbolts tend to be responsible individuals with a strong sense of will. Most outsiders believe the Grey Wonderbolts must truly hate darkspawn to dedicate their lives to fighting them, but in fact, a personal hatred of the darkspawn can be detrimental to a Wonderbolt’s effectiveness if it leads them to make rash decisions to serve some irrational and deep-seated hostility. In fact, many Grey Wonderbolts see their first darkspawn only after becoming initiates of the order.


  • Duncan, who eventually became the leader of the Grey Wonderbolts in Feralden, was naught but a street thief in Oroaetus when he was recruited into the order.


Dangers & Hazards

  • Many Grey Wonderbolts try to avoid extended romantic entanglements knowing that their lives are at constant risk, but others throw themselves into love, figuring that they should embrace life to the fullest while they can. Grey Wonderbolts often make a point to stand apart from the communities they serve, knowing they may be called on to sacrifice, tomorrow, those they protect today. But again, other Wonderbolts take the opposite stance, befriending any and all in the moment and addressing sacrifice when the times require it. It would be easy to assume that all Grey Wonderbolts want nothing more than to end all Blights forever, but some have such zeal for the fight that they wish only for a lifetime of tests and war.
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