The Forsaken

The Others

In the early years when the Velen still allowed for new shards to enter their world, hopeful for cooperation and mutual prosperity, they did not take into account that not all in the multiverse share this ideal. Thus arrived new gods, wayfarers, some of whom joined in with the Velen, and their world plans, and others are now known as the forsaken, who instead of fostering a world of good things, that may grow and flourish, sought to create a world of suffering and death, especially for the Velen, who scorned them, by denouncing their desires and motivations.   It was during this time when distinct unions formed among the gods of the world. The Velen, who were the older gods, as well as some of the newer, and the Forsaken, who now first banded together, to stand even the slightest chance against the Velen.  


Ultimately they lost this war and were driven to the dark corners of the world, into the deepest depths where they linger still, building their power and influence in the world, waiting patiently for their chance to get revenge.  

The Forsaken

There are three Forsaken, all of them united in their goals, although their methods and convictions may differ greatly. These Forsaken are Trezhkgal, the god of mayhem and carnage, whose sole purpose is to spread destruction and discord. Then there is Uhnakhan, the godess of the wrong, and uncanny, and all things that aren't supposed to be. Lastly, there is Mazhunga, the god escape, of traps and freedom, the one who imprisons, and the one who sets free.  


While scorned and hated by the world, they still manage to hold on to some influence, tempting the weak with promises of power, they manipulate them into becoming their minions, their puppets in this world, to carry out their foul deeds in the name of the Forsaken.   Followers of the Forsaken are named waylings, followers of the wayfarers who sought to end our world and plunge it into darkness.   Read more about: Waylings  


Similar to the Velen, the Forsaken have the power to have a human representative in the world, however, they do not have to power to make them be born naturally, instead, they can proclaim a champion from among their followers, who will have to undertake a dark ritual, and transform into their lords representative.   These champions are called Dark Acolytes
Cursed are they, who seek to usurp the Velen and their greatness, who preach only death and destruction, who search only for power and their damned revenge.   -Commonly said by priests about the Forsaken Our gods are the just, the ones who free is from this worldly prison, from those treacherous Velen, they give purpose, they have proven themselves to us, and to me, and you are all just too blind to see it.   -Wayling propeganda


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