Sidhe Settlement in The World of the Fourth Age | World Anvil
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Sidhe is the capital of the Murqhin Sadheri, and the seat of the monarch. It is also where the Holding Council meets. It was the first city founded by the Sadheri after the Dividing Exodus. It remains the largest city in the Murqhin Sadheri, and one of the most influential in the world.

Industry & Trade

Sidhe has a thriving fishing industry, second only to that of the region of Karh. The city itself has three harbours, from which fishing boats depart on a regular basis. The region is known for its fish-based cuisine, and the fish caught by Sidhan fisherman find their way into almost every culinery establishment in the city.   In addition to fishing, Sidhe has a large shipbuilding industry. The majority of the Sadheri navy is stationed here, and new ships are constructed using wood from Port Carrow, and metal imported from the mines of Bokesh in the north.


The terrain surrounding Sidhe is largely dry grassland, although more fertile farmland can be found on the edges of the river Siadh, which flows from the north into the sea near the city. While considered less beautiful than most than the western coast near Karh, the Sidhan coastline is still a majestic one, and sees many visitors for its splendor alone.

Natural Resources

The coastal waters by Sidhe are rich in fish of all different kinds. Silverscale are a staple food in the city, while other more exotic fish are regularly caught to be sold as pets to the wealthy.
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization

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