Marduhk Kuhn Geographic Location in The World of New Genesis | World Anvil
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Marduhk Kuhn

Unbeknownst to most, a river runs between the Pale Sea and the Flowing Sea. This river is hidden, forgotten underneath the SkyTouch Mountains, carved and tamed by the ancient Dwarves. Deep and tall enough to accommodate even large seafaring vessels, the seabound entrances to this river have been lost to time and known only to a few who closely guard the secret.   The subterranean river flows slowly, almost imperceptibly, away from Deepgate, the Underdark-adjacent village far underneath Skyharbor. Legends tell of a magical, infinite font of water that flows from somewhere within SkyTouch Mountain, which feeds the Silver River... and the Marduhk Kuhn.   Since even before the fall of the Dwarves in 1426 NG, the Marduhk Kuhn had been abandoned for generations. Its myriad openings into the overworld and the Underdark made it a popular thoroughfare for monsters and creatures from both realms and keeping its leagues of shoreline safe for travelers proved impossible. Slowly, it was abandoned, left to the creatures of darkness that made it home.   Entrances are rumored to be located:
  • A sea entrance somewhere on the rocky shore of the Caldera Bay
  • A land entrance east of the SkyGate Sanctuary
  • An underground entrance at Deepgate.
  • A sea entrance hidden within the jagged coast southwest of Southton.
  • Deep within Dwarven ruins that once guarded the Southern Cross.
Cave System
Location under


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