South Oimhuria Geographic Location in The World of Angfaulith | World Anvil

South Oimhuria

Part of Oimhuria, the region is dominated by dramatic variations in geography. From gigantic mountain ranges to swampy lowlands and verdant fields, the region is dominated by the strong winds blowing in from the east. Nations like Irrstland and Urnaah see large amounts of rainfall, which is most dramatic in the Mistshores. Mistshores are both a jagged coastline and a swampy land that is perpetually shrouded in thick mist. The lands behind the Wyrmbergs see less rainfall but are sheltered from the storms that roll in from the oceans in autumn and winter.


  • Sout Oimhuria
    A map of the nations of southeast Baleria centered on Irrstland
Alternative Name(s)
The rainy coast
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