Aliens: Allies and Enemies in The Wheel of Worlds
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  • Map of the Builders
    This map was inscribed on Nazca Plain for the future use of human beings when they became a space-going race.  When interposed and scaled along certain anchor points, the map reveals the locations of members of the Consortium of Intelligent Species.  Viewed within the Wheel of Worlds (known as Windows to humans and the Zaaskira to the Jinn), this map expands to a 3D view.  Some constellations are territories rather than revealing the specific location of home worlds, as some of the member species were not keen on revealing the central location of their race.  The entire network of portals built by the Auk'kheem are contained within this diagram.
  • Yeasin
    This is the planet on which the survivors of the Auk'kheem culture were imprisoned millennia ago. The interplanetary portal, called the Wheel of Worlds, has been locked to prevent them leaving. The planet is also surrounded by armed satellites programmed to destroy any airborne vehicles as a means of preventing the Auk'kheem from leaving the planet via space.