The Oh Species in The Wheel of Worlds | World Anvil
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The Oh

The Oh are reticent by nature; they prefer to remain hidden observers of other cultures and species without revealing themselves rather than interact directly. On rare occasions, they have initiated symbiotic relationships, such as that with the Azuraki.

When the Auk'kheem first discovered the Azuraki, they were not aware of the Oh as a separate, intelligent being.  Only after millennia of interaction between the two races, when a relationship of trust had been developed, did the Oh finally reveal their existence.

After the inception of the Consortium of Intelligent Species, the Oh were not directly included, utilizing their relationship with the Azuraki to make their opinions known.  Still, for many more eons, the Oh kept their existence secret from the other member species.  It was not until a party of human explorers discovered the meeting place they named "Babylon", and then subsequently the Azuraki home world dubbed "Lilliput", that Gabriel began to surmise the presence of the Oh in Azuraki culture.  He did not readily understand the data, as both the Azuraki and the Oh with which they lived were all deceased.

Some years after the initial exploration of Lilliput, another Terran explorer, Dr. Fox Shadow, discovered the true nature of the Oh after visiting the planet called Rimpau, which is the name of the Oh inhabiting that world.  He developed a personal relationship with the Oh and became the first human/Oh symbiote.  Due to this relationship, Dr. Shadow was allowed to stand in the Consortium and speak for the Oh, but not for humanity, as their membership is still pending with the other species.

Basic Information


Oh may be considered a single organism or a colony, formed of elastic electroconductive tissue capable of rapid stretching and contracting, as well as conscious thought. The body grows into the soil like roots and above-ground in white (female) or red (male) vine-like structures. It has no limbs or internal organs as many other creatures do.

Genetics and Reproduction

Reproduction is achieved by the combining of two “colonies” of differing species of Oh, akin to the blending of male and female seed to form a new being. (The Oh do not have specific genders; the use of gender related terms are for human convenience.) While it is possible for an extremely old Oh to reproduce by breaking off a piece of tissue and planting itself into a new environment, this can result in a weaker young version prone to illness and early death.

Under ideal circumstances, a “carrier” exposes the offshoot to another colony of Oh, gathering up additional resource material, and the combined result is taken to a new, nutrient rich environment. It is also possible for a mature Oh to leave its host environment and travel under its own power in search of another Oh for mating purposes, though this is difficult and undertaken at great cost by the organism.

Until the arrival of the Wheels of Worlds, this was generally the only means of reproduction available to the Oh, due to the vast distances required to travel through space in search of a “mate”.

Growth Rate & Stages

Oh are extremely slow-growing, taking eons to reach maturity. They may live as long as a million years before reaching old age and subsequent decline. Death occurs via the gradual wasting of tissue at the outer edges of the colony, gradually working toward the center until the entire organism is deceased.

In later stages of life, Oh may become so large that they cover the entire surface of a planet.  In such cases, the organism depends on the introduction of new nutrients into the habitat via symbiotic relationships with other species.  If such a partnership does not exist, the Oh must retreat from the planet and go in search of new feeding grounds via space travel.

Ecology and Habitats

Oh prefer temperate climates with lush vegetation and rich soil. Additional nutrients can be absorbed by ensnaring living beings and/or corpses and pulling them into the body tissues.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Nutrients and water are absorbed directly into the tissue from surrounding environments.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Since the Oh do not have eyes, noses or mouths, they do not have the attendant senses. They are sensitive to vibrations of all kinds at the minutest levels and are keen observers of the various inhabitants of their environment. Due to this sensitivity, they are also able to “read” brainwaves of intelligent species and can connect directly with certain individuals. This is most often (but not always) achieved via direct contact with the subject. (With the Azuraki, the host wore an external “garment” of detached Oh tissue, often formed into stylized armor and functioning wings or sails.)
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