Z'tekis Species in The Wheel of Worlds | World Anvil
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One of the more dangerous intelligent species in the known galaxy, the Z'tekis are warlike by nature, creatures who take pleasure in the hunt, in conquest and in acts of worship of their god, Z'texkoatl, whose purview is death and war.  They are devout followers, participating in ritual sacrifice of others, either animal or intelligent species.

Z'tekis are known to be pirates and thieves, attacking ships and settlements in order to steal goods and sacrifices for their god. 

Though they are violent by nature, they also have developed high culture and technology, partly by acquiring and reverse-engineering captured tech from other races, and partly by their own unique designs.  This race can be bargained with, especially when their honor is on the line.  Debts of honor can be carried by individuals or entire families, and this is the means by which treaties are formed with other sentient races throughout the galaxy.

Though Z'tekis are not members of the Consortium of Intelligent Species due to their violent history, they do occasionally appear on the Birthplace of Light and Shadow to make treaties with other races.

Basic Information


These creatures evolved in thickly forested terrain where climbing was a necessary skill for survival.  Because of this, they are as nimble in trees as they are on the ground.  They have six limbs, each ending in a hand-like apparatus with three fingers.  The Z'tekis body is almost fully upright, leaning forward only slightly from the hips.  The topmost set of limbs and the head is in an eerily similar arrangement to that of a humans, with another set of arms or legs midway between upper shoulders and lower hips.  This arrangement of limbs enables them to run at fast speeds on four legs, climb quickly up vertical objects and move easily between trees by climbing, stretching and leaping between them.  They are highly muscled with a lean physique.

The head has a large, elongated brain case with a pair of small, simple eyes at the back of its skull which give it a 360 degree view of surrounding terrain.  Main eyes are quite large and positioned on the front of the skull, looking forward and slightly to the side, overshadowed by a strong brow ridge.  Nostrils are small and set into the front of the face.  The mouth is dominated by a large beak-like ridge of bone on the upper jaw, which forms a downward curving hook designed for tearing into meat.  The lower beak is pointed and fits into the upper.  Both jaws are lined with tiny teeth.  The sides of the mouth curve upward into a natural "smile" formed by muscles in the cheeks.

Genetics and Reproduction

Though there are two sexes among the Z'tekis, they do not carry their own young.  Instead, a host is captured and impregnated by both the male and female Z'tekis.  Once the embryo begins to grow, it slowly consumes the host until it is about to die.  When the young Z'tekis is born, it finishes eating the host and joins the rest of the newborns, overseen by "nannies" who take on the responsibility of raising the youngsters.  The typical gestation period is only about three months.

Ecology and Habitats

While Z'tekis originated in jungles and forests, not all have chosen to live in this ecosystem and have either evolved to other habitats or changed the habitat to suit their needs.  Ideally, their preferred locations have plentiful game for hunting and a ready supply of water.

Dietary Needs and Habits

This species survives strictly on fresh meat and blood.  A preferred method of hunting is to hang in trees above a game trail and wait in silent stillness, hanging by their hind legs.  When a creature comes into range, the Z'tekis "unrolls", drops down to grasp the animal with its forearms and lifts it off the ground into the grasp of its middle arms.  Thus trapped in the Z'tekis' strong grip, the creature is killed and eaten fresh.

Biological Cycle

When game is scarce, Z'tekis may go into hibernation in order to allow food supplies to replenish naturally.  These periods of dormancy may be as brief as a few weeks or as long as a year.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Z'tekis generally congregate in small groups suitable for hunting parties, but when traveling in a spaceship or raiding party, the allegiance of several groups will be given to a single dominant individual.  This position is usually achieved by ritual combat between leaders, with the loser becoming subservient to the new Alpha.

There are numerous tribal factions within the Z'tekis rather than a central government, which makes it difficult for other intelligent species to deal with these creatures as a whole.  A treaty with one faction will be meaningless to another.

Facial characteristics

The most dominant feature of the Z'tekis face is its large eyes.  These emit slight phosphorescence which allows them to be exceptional night hunters.  Though the face is relatively small, it can be quite expressive despite the inflexibility of the beak.  Pointed cat-like ears extend from the sides and back of the elongated skull.  These are mobile and can be flexed and pivoted to catch sound all around the creature.

Average Intelligence

Z'tekis are on par with the average human.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

These creatures have excellent visual capabilities, able to see further into the infrared spectrum than humans.  Senses of smell and taste, however are not as acute.

Civilization and Culture

Gender Ideals

There is very little obvious difference between male and female Z'tekis.  Both have similar genitalia, with the major difference being the obvious male testicles.

Courtship Ideals

Primary courtship displays are achieved during the hunt.  Whichever male or female who lands the biggest prey, or the most in a single hunt, is therefore the most attractive.  Following a hunt where sufficient prey is captured alive, the pair who have done best will mate with one of the victims.  The two then give over the host to their preferred "nanny" and return to their regular lives, having little to do with the young they've produced.

Relationship Ideals

Family is everything to the Z'tekis; however, family has a much broader meaning with them than it does with humans.  For the Z'tekis, one's family is one's tribe or pack, the larger group of adults with whom they associate on a regular basis.  While adults take an interest in the young supervised by the tribe's nannies, they do not think of the young they've produced as their own.  All of the offspring belong to the tribe.

Important relationships are those between the leader and tribe members, and relations between other members of the pack.  Other significant relationships are between the Z'tekis and the Ting'sha soldiers they own, like a hunter and their dogs.

Average Technological Level

Due to the influence of the Builders, the Z'tekis have far exceeded modern humans in their technological capabilities.  They have also created a number of highly efficient and effective weapons by perverting Builder technology.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

There are myriad languages and dialects among the Z'tekis due to their tribal nature.

Common Dress Code

Typically, Z'tekis do not wear clothing; however, they are fond of armor and wear it as much as a fashion accessory as for protection.  All adornments are considered for their beauty as well as potential use in battle; for example, dangling earrings that might be grasped by an enemy during a fight.


Discovered nearly 40,000 years ago by the Builders, it was this race who finally taught the Auk'kheem the meaning of war.  While early interactions were peaceful -- the Z'tekis were curious at first, then recognized the value of the Builders' technology and the potential threat their superiority posed -- the Z'tekis coveted what the Builders had and began taking by force some of their machines and the territories they had acquired.  Unwilling to do battle with those who had once been their friends, the Builders abandoned areas where the Z'tekis struck.

This continued conflict resulted in the development of the Consortium in an attempt to work out peaceful means for cultural and technological exchanges.  While this did resolve many problems short term, the Z'tekis proved impossible to control by diplomatic means.  By the time the Builders disappeared, all other member species had abandoned their diplomatic efforts on the Birthplace of Light and Shadow, and relations between species fell into chaos.
30 years
Average Height
When fully erect, the average Z'tekis is approximately 8 feet tall; however, its usual stance is at a slight angle and standing on four appendages, at around 7 feet tall.
Average Weight
Average weight is about 300 pounds
Average Length
Average length of the body between base of skull and base of spine is approximately 4 feet.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The body and face of Z'tekis is covered in short, soft fur with a wide variety of colors and patterns, much like those of domesticated cats.  Colors range from black to white in all shades of brown, bluish gray and orange, sometimes with multiple colors in spots, blotches and stripes.

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