Imperial Administration Organization in The Twisted Realms | World Anvil
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Imperial Administration

The Executive Branch of the Empire

The Permanent Administration of the High Imperial State of Caedira (High Draecovian: Seitadministration varen tarheenstaaten var Kaedra) is the central government of Imperial Caedira, which is the only known Draecovian state authority in the Twisted Realms. Created by the Directive of Order, the Administration is the highest civilian government of Caedira led by the Emperor's representative, the Viceroy, who in turn selects the Crown Ministers, appoints judges, and enforces the agenda set forth by the Imperial Parliament. Most of its staff are permanent administrative officials, except the Viceroy and the Crown Ministers, who are restricted to serving one seven-year term by the Imperial Constitution. As is the case with other civilian institutions in Caedira, serving officials of the Administration must resign from the military before being sworn in, including Viceroys.   The Great Seal and standard used by the Administration contains a white eagle beneath a torch. The arrows are believed to denote the sovereign capacity to wage war, whilst the lightning bolt symbolises the extirpation of the ealdorden, "old order," which is everything that is incompatible with the Monad.


Whilst the most important figures of the Administration are located in the capital of Adergaard, most of its staff are based in Ordengaard, a western coastal metropolis in the Governorate of Taevia and the bureaucratic nexus of Draecovia. It is also the Empire's principal civilian communications hub, headquartering the Ministry of Communications, which means that all official directives, memoranda, inquiries, and written correspondence are routed to Ordengaard in addition to being transmitted via the continent-spanning telegraphic system and the Imperial Postal Service.   The Administration is the final arbiter in all matters of state and the supreme organ of the vast governmental machine of Draecovia. This authority can be traced to Extraordinary Directive TKE/K-I, commonly referred to as the Directive of Order, which instituted the Administration as the functional replacement of the monarchy and thus inherited most of its responsibilities; however, a significant amount of the monarchy's power was also delegated to a new Parliament and a judicial system, clearly delineating the different duties of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government.   Leadership positions in the government ministries and imperial-level agencies are normally handled by the Administration. Whilst the military is separated from the civilian branch of government, it is represented in some of its deliberative bodies, notably the August Council of State, and thus retains some influence in the decision-making of Draecovia.

The Ordinance of the Emperor;
in Service of the People.

The standard of the Administration.

Founding Date
Government, Leadership
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations

Articles under Imperial Administration