Directorate of Imperial Intelligence Organization in The Twisted Realms | World Anvil
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Directorate of Imperial Intelligence

The Directorate of Imperial Intelligence is a recently-formed office subsidiary to both the General High Command and to the Imperial Administration of Draecovia. It functions as an advisory body and oversees all intelligence organisations of Draecovia, including those in civilian and paramilitary branches of government. Its Director is General Kassandra Angeronen, Sovereign Palatine of Drakengaard.


After the creation of the Office of Naval Intelligence, there were now nearly two dozen active military, paramilitary, religious, and civilian intelligence agencies across the Empire of Draecovia. Thus, as a way to consolidate all these entities and to improve information-sharing between them, one of Karl Exarken's first initiatives as Viceroy was to create a new central Directorate tasked with filling this gap in the imperial intelligence networks. Kassandra Angeronen was unequivocally seen by the Administration to be the best person to lead Imperial Intelligence as Director. The Directorate was created in 3698 AM with Resolution K/A-C F. II.
Governmental, Department
Parent Organization