Kassandra Angeronen Character in The Twisted Realms | World Anvil
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Kassandra Angeronen

Director of Imperial Intelligence

Kassandra Angeronen var Drakengaard is the Draecovian chief of intelligence and the nominated successor to Viceroy Karl Exarken. A gifted cryptologist, she created numerous complex ciphers that now constitute the core of Draecovian encoded communication, as well as overseeing the complete reorganisation of the Red Cohort, the covert foreign intelligence branch of Draecovia.


Kassandra was initially posted as a military analyst in the Imperial Army's Division of Strategic Planning, though her skills were quickly noted and she was transferred to Arx Sidera ('the Star Tower') of the Office of Military Intelligence, where she served as an explorator in the Frankonian division of Special Reconnaissance Section REGULA, (commonly called the Red Cohort). Early on, Kassandra created exceedingly complex polyalphabetical ciphers, now standard-issue and called the Circumjacent Ciphers, something that quickly resulted in a promotion to Procurator of the Red Cohort. As Procurator, she instituted the Adjudication Standard, which meant that only one imperial agent, an Adjudicator, was to be assigned to viable nations for the purpose of long-term espionage. The Adjudicators have full independence in their conduct, and their small presence are meant to limit any potential exposure without significant sacrifices to efficiency.

In spite of her youth, Kassandra was quickly penned to become Legate-Director of Military Intelligence, which transpired after its previous head Odelia Melpomenus was reshuffled to the newly-established Office of Naval Intelligence. Keen on securing the viceregal succession, and impressed with her administrative acumen, Karl Exarken nominated her as Sovereign Palatine of Drakengaard in 3698 AM, which was unanimously approved by the August Council of State, continuing a trend of high-profile intelligence officers being marked for the highest office in Draecovia. In conjunction with this appointment, the Viceroy also assigned her as Director of Imperial Intelligence.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Director of Imperial Intelligence
  • General in the Imperial Army
  • Sovereign Palatine of Drakengaard
  • Procurator of the Red Cohort (former)
  • Explorator (former)
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
High Draecovian, Curiate Draecovian, Frankonian, Common, Aadhafranki, Mavari, Aquan