Karl Exarken Character in The Twisted Realms | World Anvil
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Karl Exarken

Viceroy of Caedira

Karl Exarken is the imperial Viceroy of Caedira, and its effective head of state and government. A former admiral and reconnaissance officer, he is known to favour naval exploration outside Draecovia's charted territory.


Karl Exarken was born the only son to a family with a history of dignified state service in the town of Ralkesburg in the northern province of Khervil. His parents were both employed in the gubernatorial administration as clerks. After remarkable achievements in exploration, he was promoted to Admiral of the Imperial Third Fleet and was designated successor to the Admiral of the Empire, a rank he eventually claimed. As Admiral of the Empire he was a senior member of the General Command, the military bureaucracy of Draecovia. His flagship achievement was the creation of the Office of Naval Intelligence under the Imperial Admiralty. He succeeded Vicereine Wilhelmina Hulenus as Viceroy of Caedira in 3695 AM.

Naval Career

Immediately after his formal education finished, and as is the norm in Draecovia, he was conscripted and subsequently served as quartermaster of the clandestine Second Reconnaissance Squadron of the Imperial Third Fleet, in which he eventually became its Lieutenant-Commander. During this time he charted many seas and routes which were previously unknown to Draecovia, even going beyond the Haven of the High Seas, sailing under the guise of an adventurer company: the Band of the Swift Clarion. The successes of the Second Reconnaissance Squadron in mapping most of the continental coastline and major waterways was attributed to Karl, and he quickly rose in the ranks, finally reaching the lofty heights of Admiral in 3675 AM. He was charged with the Imperial Third Fleet, and appointed successor to Tanhalt var Ketlyn, former Admiral of the Empire.

The Admiral of the Empire

Upon Tanhalt var Ketlyn's passing in 3683 AM, Karl ascended as the new Admiral of the Empire, and became a senior staff officer of Draecovia's military leadership. Having realised the vital role of the Navy in military reconnaissance and operational planning, he advocated for the creation of an Office of Naval Intelligence, to serve as the maritime equivalent to the Office of Military Intelligence. The proposal passed with little opposition and it was established in 3685 AM. Moreover, Karl instituted three marine legions, in order to further the flexibility of the Imperial Expeditionary Forces.

Imperial Viceroy

Karl's reputation and capability was widely noted in the imperial administration, and he developed a close friendship with Caedira's former Vicereine, Wilhelmina Hulenus. She formally recommended him as her successor to the August Council, who thereafter unanimously drafted a Declaration of Peremptory Appointment, securing Karl as viceregal successor.

As Viceroy, he is known to be more adventurous than most of his predecessors, in that he actively, albeit clandestinely, seeks deeper knowledge of the lands to the north of Draecovia. Strict containment policies are nontheless maintained to prevent any information about Draecovia to escape the mainland.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Imperial Viceroy of Caedira
  • Titular Admiral of the Empire
  • Imperator of the Black Legions
  • Praefectus Caehireni of the Imperial Navy
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
High Draecovian, Common