The true dark ages Visiting Home

Visiting Home

Civil action


Fleec Snow travelled home to the area around Weymouth in southern Britain. He meets his mother asking about the family and checks on her. Setting out he searches for his brother Shorty. After finding him in the Saxon controlled east, he finds Shorty, who had tried to rob the local cathedral. A monk called Edward helps Fleec out to retrieve a book from the cathedral, to take back to Father Tossil for safekeeping. It was being sought by the de Rais family. Unfortunately a gate is opened to a hell dimension and a character called the Librarian comes out. Banished back to the dimension, both leave, help out Shorty who is told he can make use of the Frankish Thieves Guild as well as the local guild. Fleec sets up regular smuggling jobs with the guilds, and his mother before leaving. When back in Parisius and the Slinky Seine, he sets up trade with the Thieves Guild of Frankia, passes of the book and proceeds to Rome to travel to Tunis & find the Silk Road to start trading.

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