Session 75: The Massif Calls Report

General Summary

Anselma talks to Grimmaz about rescuing the goblins. Anselma gets Reolus and the group meets in the tavern for some breakfast.   The group decides to become the GLF temporarily (Goblin Liberation Front). Just outside of Grimmaz lands they find a bunch of crude dwellings. The group meets up with the goblins that Eleia, Anselma, and Jerimoth met earlier.   A vicious group of guards from the de Reis are guarding the mine where more goblins are held. They have discovered some pillars with elvish on it and some resin material in a cave of the mine. Grimmaz inspects a blade used by the goblins to escape the mine. The blade seems of unknown Elvish decent with some vicious cuts here and there.   Eleia, Grimmaz, and Anselma move up the mountain to find a tunnel. Reolus however goes for the frontal assault on the cavern. A few guard tents cleared around a few trees. About 5 of these guards are mauling around. The group is armed with short sworts, spears and shields. Some of the guards are milling around sharpening short swords, buckler style shields.   About a total of 13 guards, are visible about 2 are not encounted for.   Grimmaz, Anselma, and Eleia move back to the goblins and ask for directions to the hidden tunnel. The group find the hidden tunnel and enter it. The goblins stay up at the entrance to make sure no-one follows.   Reolus is staying up watching the camp.   The others move into the tunnel and work themselves down the tunnel. When they make it down, they drop down into a corridor. They can see the mine to their right. On the left it seems to open up into another cavern which is surrounded by rubble.   Grimmaz signals the group to be silent. They move up where the captives are hold. They hear the guards telling the goblins to hurry up as the captain will be coming to inspect. Grimmaz and co continues on towards the cavern. Some work has been done and they seem to have cleared some area where the goblins went through.   Grimmaz investigates the cavern. He warns the group of the dangers of the substances he's investigated.   The substance is like a hardened resin which Eleia wants to collect. The substance corrodes the spine. The skeletons around seem Elvish. Different longswords and daggers are used. The group come across a few pillars with Elvish on it. The pillars tell the history of the cavern.   It tells the story of how the elves came into that world and a war between the first elves and black elves. The war was known for its cruelty. Some type of mercenary group which contained primordial essence and some creature. Those creatures started to modify rooms/buildings.   Eleia seems to manage to get some resin off the walls. It has an organic look like a tube with smaller & smaller branches coming off it.Eleia tries to gather some gooey stuff that came from the wall by putting it in her water skin.   The group moves further down and they come across an Elvish warrior that is encased in the resin. They find some weapons near the dead Elvish warriors.   Grimmaz picks up a good looking helmet that seems to be intact. A fissure in the back leads further down the cave that contains more resin residue.   The group is looking if they have means of taking out the guards.   Reolus charms the captain of the guard to free the goblins because of the dangers. The captain decides to murder the goblins instead which he decides down in the mine. At which point Anselma, Eleia, and Grimmaz decide to attack the guards.   After 3 of them killing 3 guards, Reolus explains to the guard captain that this is the reason why he suggested to let them go as it's not possible to win a fight against those 3. The captain agrees and orders the 2 remaining guards to throw the keys to free the goblins to the group.   The group exits the mine through the front.   The group loots a tent and gives money to the goblins and they use the ores to go create some cool stuff from the iron and silver ore. Grimmaz also has the Elven helmet which makes him content already.   Party members got 3 gold each.   After getting back, Eleia burns her rapier, one crowbar and one hammer. Eleia takes the waterskin out of the backpack. There is a pungent smell coming from the backpack and the waterskin.   It is warm and starting to be corroded by the substances in the water. Eleia gets a wooden trough brought over with water and the contents mixes with more water and the resin-like material starts to 'grow' when in contact with the water, waterskin & wood of the trough. Shets a cast iron pail put to one end & tries to tip everything down into it.   When she does ot can be seen growing towards her & the cast iron pail. She hit it and it seems to explode when mixed with fire.

Rewards Granted

9100 XPO eaxch, 3 gold each, 15 iron ingots & 4 silver ingots, as well as 21 lbs of iron ore & about 6 lbs of silver ore. 8 clumps of quartz crystal is also lifted & Grimmaz got a fancy Elvish helmet.
9th Century Earth Dungeons & Dragons 5e Campaign
Reolus Rhin
Chaotic Neutral Tabaxi (Folk Hero)
Rogue 20
143 / 143 HP
Grimmaz Fyrwin
Neutral Human ()
Fighter 14
144 / 144 HP
Report Date
09 Dec 2023


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