The trident coalition Herbert Kibblewhite Timeline Timeline

Herbert Kibblewhite Timeline

Timeline of Herbert Kibblewhite

  • 2952 SE

    7 /8 12:00

    Herbert takes on Calvin as a foster son
    Life, Relocation

    When Blast Bolton suggested to Herbert Kibblewhite that he should take on Calvin Keller as a foster son, Herbert rejected the idea. After some sleepless nights, thinking it over, Herbert filled in the paperwork and collected Calvin from the Orphanage.

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    Calvin Keller
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  • 2954 SE

    21 /12 08:00

    Herbert adopts Calvin
    Life, Identity

    Calvin had his misgivings when Herbert became his foster father, but it turned out that the crusty curmudgeon exterior was just an act and they got along great after a few initial bumps. So when Herbert adopted Calvin a day or two before the Winter Solstice Festival that year, Calvin couldn’t have been happier changing his surname to Kibblewhite.

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