Kibblewhite apartment Building / Landmark in The Trident Coalition | World Anvil

Kibblewhite apartment

The three bedroom apartment was a gift to Herbert and his fiancée, when she was pregnant with what would have been their first child.

When both the fiancé and the unborn baby died Herbert was devastated and became a bit of a loner, only moving between his apartment and his duty post at the spaceport, socializing as little as possible. He turned the study into his hobby room where he built spaceship models and let the second bedroom gather dust.

It wasn’t until Calvin became his first foster son, twelve and a half years later that Herbert cleaned up the spare room. A few months later he adopted Calvin and gave up his hobby room in order to take in Paolo as his new foster son.


Art nouveau. Pink rough cast on the facade overlooking the beach and ocean.
Alternative Names
Apartment 85G
Parent Location
Owning Organization

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