Tranquility Vehicle in The Trident Coalition | World Anvil


The Tranquility was an Ibis Class freighter owned by Etheridge Dillard.

As an Ibis Class ship it was manufactured on the Egyptian planet Thoth, at the same shipyard that also made the famous Scarab Class Cruiser. In fact, each Ibis Class ship came with a complimentary Scarab in its cargo hold. Tranquility was no different in this regard.

The Ibis Class had two decks of crew quarters, a bridge, an engine room, a med-bay, a gym, a galley and a cargo hold. The ship also had several sliding sections with the purpose of expanding the cargo hold to almost double the size in the compact configuration.

The interior of an Ibis Class ship came in four different color combinations that the buyers could choose between. Etheridge chose the mat black and bronze color scheme for the interior of Tranquility. That's bronze color on the metal panels of the ship's interior, and not the metal bronze. It's made of a cheaper and lighter alloy.
Creation Date
50 000 Drax
15 meters
24 meters
6 meters
Complement / Crew
Minimum 8 people, maximum 16.


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