Themis Vehicle in The Trident Coalition | World Anvil


Themis was the first of the Patrol Ships, and the most famous one, as it was the ship of Blast Bolton, featured heavily in the graphic novels about Blast Bolton, and merchandising around those books, like T-Shirts, toys and model kits.

The ship is twelve meters long, cylindrical, 3 meters in diameter, though the cockpit is slightly wider. There are small fins just by the cockpit, with larger ones aft, by the main engines, with attitude control rockets on the ends of the fins. The fins have very little aerodynamic quality. When it lands the cylinder is horizontal, and landing struts comes out of the cylindrical fuselage, with landing thrusters mounted on them. The ship is brass colored. Both the exterior and interior have a steam punk feel to it. In fact, the cockpit looks like the cockpit of a DC3 that has been given a steam punk makeover.

The Navigational Folder existed as a technology, and was the primary method for interstellar travel even at that time. However, the smallest Navigational Folder were slightly larger than the Patrol Ship, and so not actually possible to install inside one, and so the Patrol Ships had to either travel at Superluminous Speed, or make use of a larger carrier vessel that had a Navigational Folder. At Superluminous Speed the bad guys would be long gone by the time the Space Marshals arrived in the star system, or they might have performed a coup and ruled the settlement for several generations, so the Carrier Ships were created.

Owning Organization
Related Professions
4.5 meters
12 meters
5 meters


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