Starlin Castro Character in The Sword Coast and Beyond | World Anvil
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Starlin Castro

Starlin Castro

Starlin Castro was a Wearer of the Purple in the Cult of the Dragon during the Great Dragon War, tasked with overseeing the cult's operations in the Mere of Dead Men.  


  Prior to 1492, Castro was assigned by Don Rel, the then leader of the Cult of the Dragon, to Castle Naerytar in the Mere of Dead Men. From there, he was made to oversee the cult's plan of smuggling gold and treasure up the High Road by transporting it through Carnath Roadhouse and into the castle, where it would then be teleported to the Well of Dragons. As a secondary task, Castro was ordered to broker an alliance with the draconic master of the Mere of Dead Men, the black dragon Voaraghammanthar, as the Cult of the Dragon suspected the dragon knew the location of Yssondreneth's Tomb and the Gauntlet of the Black Dragon it sheltered.   While establishing the cult's base, Castro allied himself with Pharblex Splattergoo, a bullywug tribe leader that, unbeknownst to Castro, knew where Yssondreneth's Tomb rested. Castro also recruited the aid of the Scaly Death Tribe by exploiting their natural worship and fear of Voaraghammanthar. Castro allowed Pharblex to demean and often brutalize the lizardfolk.   While overseeing the smuggling operation, Castro also began studying the process by which humanoids could be turned into half-dragons, and he secured from Voaraghammanthar a few small vials of his blood.   In early 1492, Castro's operation was overseen personally by Don Rel, who wanted to ensure that all of the treasure was going towards Tiamat's hoard. Castro was also joined by the Red Wizard traitor, Azbara Jos, who had his own reasons for studying Voaraghammanthar.   In Tarsakh of 1492, the Breadwinners, alongside Force Grey agent Viné Seraph, stormed Castle Naerytar. Allying with the lizardfolk and scattering the bullywugs, the adventurers managed to wholly disrupt the smuggling operation. Castro managed to survive after the Breadwinners inadvertently destroyed the stairs to the tower he was hiding in. From there, Castro negotiated for the adventurers to give him his vials of dragon blood, which the Breadwinners did so, but not before mixing it with half-dragon blood in an attempt to ruin its usefulness. Castro took the vials and escaped into the swamp.
Neutral Evil
Year of Birth
1278 CR 220 Years old
Aligned Organization


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