Pharblex Splattergoo Character in The Sword Coast and Beyond | World Anvil
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Pharblex Splattergoo

Chief and Shaman Pharblex Splattergoo

Pharblex Splattergoo was the chief and shaman for a Bullywug tribe allied with the Cult of the Dragon during the Great Dragon War.  


  Pharblex was born in 1458, quickly showing both a deep magical connection to nature and a savage personality that led him to become the chief and shaman of his tribe.   At some point prior to 1492, Pharblex had discovered the hidden Tomb of Yssondreneth in the Mere of Dead Men. He arranged to have the tomb guarded by a froghemeth, but was either too afraid or unwilling to enter the tomb himself.   In the early 1490's, the Cult of the Dragon moved into Castle Naerytar, near Pharblex's tribe, intending to use it as both a hideout to smuggle treasure from Carnath Roadhouse and to petition Voaraghammanthar to join their cause. The cult was also aiming to find Yssondreneth's Tomb.   Pharblex approached the cult and began gaining favor with the local leader, Starlin Castro. He convinced Castro to put his Bullywug tribe above the Lizardfolk of the rival Scaly Death Tribe. Castro agreed on the promise of finding Yssondreneth's Tomb, and Pharblex immediately killed Sunmaker, the Scaly Death Tribe's chief.   In Tarsakh of 1492, the adventuring party the Breadwinners, alongside Force Grey agent Viné Seraph, discovered the Cult of the Dragon's presence in the Mere of Dead Men and arrived to put a stop to it. During their attack on the castle, Pharblex managed to bargain for his life by threatening to kill the nearly mortally wounded Akhros. Pharblex and his closest followers retreated to the swamp, figuring the castle was lost.   Following the Breadwinners attack on Castle Naerytar, the adventurers chose to participate in the Scaly Death Tribe's ritualistic Bullywug Hunt, to avenge their fallen chief, though Pharblex himself was to be taken in alive, to be killed and eaten by Snapjaw himself. The Breadwinners and Lizardfolk outcast Bloodfang Wellington, confronted Pharblex outside Yssondreneth's Tomb, where he was killed by Bloodfang to save the Breadwinners from his magic.
Chaotic Evil
1458 CR 1492 CR 34 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Bloodfang Wellington while guarding Yssondreneth's Tomb
Aligned Organization


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