High Observer Rank/Title in The Sword Coast and Beyond | World Anvil
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High Observer

The High Observer, officially the High Observer of Torm, is the title of the ruler of Elturel and, by extension, the nation of Elturgard.


Following the Night of the Red Coup, nearly all of the governmental officials in Elturel had been killed. Naja Bellandi, the High Watcher of Helm who had discovered High Rider Klav Ikaia's vampiric nature, survived the night and rallied the surviving Hellriders to attempt to stop the vampires. Bellandi, and Elturel as a whole, was saved by the arrival of the Companion, which burned away nearly all of the vampires in its divine light.   For her role in saving the city, and as one of the only bureaucrats left, Naja Bellandi became the new head of Elturel and Elturgard in late 1447, and her title was changed from High Watcher to High Observer.   Bellandi died suddenly in 1449 and was replaced by Cathasach Restat. Under Restat's leadership, Elturel began increasingly formalizing its relationship over the settlements "under Elturel's guard," officially creating the nation of Elturgard. Restat also converted to the worship of Torm, changing his official title to High Observer of Torm, transforming Elturgard into an increasingly theocratic institution. The newly formed Order of the Companion was placed over the Hellriders. Restat's reign is today looked as the one that formalized Elturgard into a proper nation.   Restat's heir apparent was Thamal Thent, but, in 1481, she and her entire retinue of Hellriders disappeared while patrolling around Boareskyr Bridge.   In 1483, Restat passed and was replaced by Thavius Kreeg, a priest of Torm. Kreeg's rule as High Observer has focused on ensuring that Elturgard and its people are unified in culture and cause. Unity Prayers and Unity Tributes became increasingly more common and widespread.
Religious, Political
Alternative Naming
High Watcher
Length of Term
First Holder
Current Holders
Past Holders


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