Galactic Coalition of Worlds Organization in The Stars Beyond | World Anvil
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Galactic Coalition of Worlds

The Galactic Coalition of Worlds, usually referred to as the Coalition, is an interplanetary government consisting of many planets from across multiple star systems. The Coalition is ruled by a Senate, which is presided over by a Chancellor that has been elected by (and usually from) the Senate.   The senate currently consists of 432 senators. Three from each province. Each world-member of the Coalition sends one Elector to their Provincial Congress. The Provincial Congress then elects three Senators from the ranks of the Electors. These Senators are transported to Numitor by the Star Watch.   The Senate elects a Chancellor to preside over the Senate. They are usually selected from amongst the Senators, but this is more a tradition than a rule.   The capitol planet of the Galactic Coalition of Worlds, and location of the Senate, is Numitor .   Known for its commitment to equality and egalitarianism.   protected by the Star Watch, a peacekeeper force.


The Coalition's political structure has similarities to the Roman Senate from ancient Terran pre-history.


The fall of the Coalition began in 1022 RE, and culminated in the surrender of Numitor in 1024 RE.   Emperor Ruck Harriman, his Huon armada, and several turncoat captains of the Star Watch, swiftly, and forcefully took control over the span of a few short years.


The Coalition is currently organised into 24 provinces, each consisting of 18 sectors. Each sector covers a space of about 22 ly x 15 ly.   It typically takes around eight months to travel from the borders of the coalition to the capitol in the Alpha Province.   Many of the outer provinces are not fully explored and have only a few coalition member worlds.


The Star Watch is the military arm, and peacekeeping force of the Coalition.


There is not one monolithic religion within the Coalition.  The majority of the population claim to be secular in their belief systems.  There are a variety of cults throughout the Coalition that practice a variety of beliefs. The Cult of Oo-RA would be an example of this, but not a typical example.
Dissolution Date
1024 RE
Alliance, Generic
Alternative Names
The Coalition
Credits. Usually contained in a digital medium.
Legislative Body
The Senate
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Ranks & Titles
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members
Coalition Provences


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