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Criella Hope

Fallen Protector (a.k.a. The Flame)

Physical Description

Special abilities

Criella was like any other fire-based sorcerer, except for her strange tendency to become engulfed in flame, a state in which her existing abilities and spellcasting were heightened, along with the ability to fly.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Criella Hope was born in the town of Cambeth in 523 AP, the middle of child of three kids, with a pink older sister and a blue younger brother. Her older sister, known as Passion in the comics, was the achiever of the family; Passion excelled in the musical arts and was very popular among her classmates and even any adults she met. The youngest brother, known as Despair in the comics, was very lonely and shy, so their parents often had to reach out to him. This left Criella with the least amount of parental surveillance, per se, so Criella grew up to be the troublemaker and rebel of the family. She displayed a distaste for authority from a very young age, and often "got lost" in the town.   In one of these instances, when Criella was about 16, Criella discovered a strange rift in the material plane in the dark basement of an abandoned building. Warily, she stepped through and was instantly met with a confusing whirlwind of flame and burning. Unbeknownst to her, she had entered a demonic plane of existence that served as a "prison" of sorts for the evil demonic creatures that had been defeated. The demons, with their power stripped away by powerful divine entities, infused the remainder of their demonic power into Criella. Criella was instantly blasted out of the dimension, and went on to frantically and accidentally set fire to several buildings.   Her parents took her in to see Dr. Nalla Greatforge, resident doctor of the supernatural in Cambeth, as well as Mildrak Brawnavil's daughter. Criella, likely detesting the idea of being at the doctor's office, told Dr. Greatforge very little about the situation. Many theorize the demonic essence inside of her influenced her actions up until she joined the Protectors, which would explain why she didn't tell Dr. Greatforge about her experience. Dr. Greatforge, knowing no better, attributed the powers to innate sorcerous powers, essentially the cause of all situations like this.   Over the next few years, Criella showed increasingly more disregard for authority. She was a delinquent, and was one until she was approached by Aleesia Nailo, a member of the Underground. Upon hearing their anti-government revolutionary ideals, Criella joined, perhaps to fill a void of purpose in her life. It is at this point, a place in a family of people like her, that many theorize the demonic powers stopped influencing her thoughts and actions. This place of acceptance was truly realized in her friendship with Kluk, with whom Criella strangely seemed excited to engage in a friendship. Criella wasn't for the amount of intimacy and closeness that friendships often have, and Kluk's lovable stupidity ensured that Criella had a close friend without the undesirable caveats.   Criella technically became a part of the Elite Protectors when she, the Core Four, and Kluk were forced back into the past by the Magician, locked in a state where time was frozen for three weeks. After coming back, however, Criella claimed that none of this made any of them friends (although she was said to be closer to Aleesia than the rest of the Four). Criella continued to run several missions with the Protectors until her fateful last, where the Elite Protectors (minus Mildrak Brawnavil) had to escape from Reagarr's clutches.   Criella, Althaea, Ivellius, and Kluk were all forcefully transported into Reagarr's arena cells by the Magician, while the Core Four had been transported to a remote tropical island. Criella and the rest had been stuck in Reagarr's prison cycle for a year until Ivellius managed to escape. Ilphelkiir, with the help of Aquaria (a new Protector), rescued the Core Four from the island. They returned to Reagarr to rescue the others but were abruptly recaptured by Reagarrian troops.   After fighting a few battles in the arena, the Elite Protectors (minus Brawnavil) began their forceful breakout. The eight fought their way through Reagarrian security until reaching the final throne room of the palace. Galanodel had snuck into a high box seat, ready to assassinate the king and military leader of Reagarr (one and the same). Before she was given the chance, she was stabbed by a mysterious attacker. This stab wound would become infected with an unknown magical disease that wouldn't be cured by Brawnavil until they returned to Cambeth.   Suddenly, their plan was thrown away. An unconscious Galanodel fell to the ground from a second-story height. Kluk frantically smashed a hole in the nearest wall, Khorrak Raghthroknaar took an arrow from Galanodel's quiver and created a temporary magical barrier. This barrier would last only so long, and Reagarr's entire army would soon rush after them, where they would have no chance. Criella made the sacrifice play, entering her state of fiery rage and conjuring a wall of fire. The others escaped in a civilian carriage, and as they were driving away, saw the enormous fiery explosion that leveled the entirety of the Reagarrian palace.   This environmental cataclysm would affect Reagarr for decades, not only destroying the entire state, but also turning the entire surrounding area into a burning and desolate wasteland. (The Wastelands of Reagarr)


Criella showed delinquency throughout her education, so despite receiving ample education, she did not exactly excel in it.


Criella's only job had been as a Protector. Any money she had made prior was either lent from parents, borrowed from her parents, stolen from her parents, or stolen from others.


Criella Hope

Former Best Friend (Vital)

Towards Kluk




Best Friend (Vital)

Towards Criella Hope



Althaea Ilphelkiir

Former "Friend" (Important)

Towards Criella Hope



Criella Hope

Former Friend (Important)

Towards Althaea Ilphelkiir



Ivellius Ilphelkiir

Friend (Important)

Towards Criella Hope



Criella Hope

Friend (Trivial)

Towards Ivellius Ilphelkiir



Rebel Good
Date of Birth
28th of Sunbris, 523 AP
523 AP 545 AP
Cambeth, Pre-Elaria
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Infernal, Abyssal, Ignan, Orcish


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