Eodmann Forest Geographic Location in The Seventh Sphere | World Anvil

Eodmann Forest

The Eodmann Forest is a massive temperate broadleaf forest to the east of Goldsea. Heavy oaks,and beeches make up most of the larger plant life, giving way to a more mixed forest as it spreads to the northeast with the inclusion of some pines.   The Eodmann Forest is home to many dangerous creatures. Kobolds have been spotted in the northwest near the hill lands, and some villages have claimed to have seen giant beasts, such as weasels, badgers, and even a giant owl. At least one tribe of centaurs makes its home in the southern wood and, being a territorial people, they dislike intruders into their woods. Despite this, some brave (or foolish) woodsmen, prospectors, and would-be adventurers will brave the southern forest. Some have even returned, making claims of a hidden lake rich with faeglass, or of a crumbling tower where ancient magic has distorted the forest around it into fantastical shapes.  

Interesting Sites

The following are the interesting and unique locations found within this area:

Feyglass Lake

Coordinates: Deepview-2014.
A lake found within the forest. Veins of the metallic crystal known as feyglass can be found growing along the edge of the lake. If one is careful, feyglass can be harvested from here to be used for a number of things.

Wizard Tower

Coordinates: Deepview-1515.
This tower is ancient, built over 400 years ago during the time of the Divine Empire. The adventuring party discovered it through a map left by the halfling ranger Hen. When Hen was killed in a hunting accident, it was gifted to their cousing, Saoirse, who led the adventuring party into the forest. The tower was found in a state of disrepair, with the roof shorn entirely off. The party discovered a number of oddities, including an elaborately carved spelljammer helm and several casks of a strange, glowing blue substance they would later discover to be deva blood.
  The surrounding are of the tower has been mutated, seemingly by the leakage of deva blood into the surrounding soil. Trees have rainbow and pristmatic colorations, leaves are in unnatural shapes, mostly geometric though some are irregular. Animals appear to be larger, and possibly more aggresive than normal. Owlbears have been sighted in the area, as well as at least one giant talking owl.   The adventuring party met one such giant talking owl. It gave its name as Jeffrey, and after being gifted hunted venison, Jeffrey led the party to the wizard's tower.
Forest, Temperate (Seasonal)
Location under
Ecoregion Inspiration
European Atlantic Mixed Forests
Westwood Encounters
3Two-headed troll
5Wasp (hornet)
7Beetle, bombardier or boring
8Hornet or stirge
9Bat, porcupine, or skunk
10Wild boar
11Mammal, small2
12Large spider
13Wolf or black bear
14Weasel or badger
16Giant animal3
17Giant owl or small hawk
19Talking owl
1 - 40% chance accompanied by 2d4 spiders
2 - Chipmunk, ermine, ferret, fox, hedgehog, mole, mouse, muskrat, opossum, pig (wild), rabbit, raccoon, squirrel, woodchuck.
3 - Badger, skunk, or weasel

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