Deepview Peninsula Geographic Location in The Seventh Sphere | World Anvil

Deepview Peninsula


The Deepview peninsula, sometimes referred to as the Feymarked Woods, is a lare peninsula jutting from the northeastern coastline of the Usittu continent on the planet Bulok. It is an area primarily covered in temperate forests and rolling hills with large swaths of heath and pasture and also conains several small unique ecoregeions. The peninsula is bounded by the Clearwater Sound to the north, the Hearthless Deep to the east, and the Starstone Bay to the south.   Several kingdoms are based within the Peninsula, mostly along its rough, rocky coastlines. The Peninsula is also home to several independent settlements, such as the town of Litansnell. The peninsula has a strong druid presence, with druid initiates based in many settlements large and small. There are a number of druidic sacred groves, whose locations are kept secret from non-druids. The Peninsula is also home to several rare and powerful creatures, including dragons, basilisks, numerous fey, and more.

Kingdoms and Countries

This sections contains brief descriptions of each of the kingdoms and countries found within the region. They are listed in alphabetical order.

Casmari Kingdom

Main article: Casmari
  Casmari is the smallest unified territory on the peninsula. It is located on the eastern face of the peninsula, sandwiched between the Eodmann Woods and the Great Pine Forest. Casmari's capital is the city of Rondole, built around the edge of the estuary where the Deepmouth river meets the ocean. Casmari follows a strict and harsh form of serfdom; most citizens are serfs, and non-noble freeman exist only as guilded professionals and merchants. Wandering persons or 'adventuring types' from or within Casmari are mostly serfs who have fled their lords. As such, Casmari is home to more poachers and bandits than other countries.  

Goldsea, Kingdom

Main article: Goldsea
  The Kingdom of Goldsea is one of the stronger territories in the region. It is situated along the mouth of the Stonesthrow River as it feeds into the Starstone Bay. The North Channel provides trade access to the coastal shipping lanes that feed to the north of the Peninsula, while direct access through the South Channel offers access to the southern routes to the southern tropical and sub-tropical territories. The capital of Goldsea is Saerin's Shore, a large naval city that boasts the largest shipyards in the region.  


Main article: [Heartwood]
  Askiawono, called Heartwood by non-natives, is a large, forested and mountainous island within the Starstone Bay. Heartwood is home to the selhama elves, whose claim of ownership of the isle is vigilantly guarded. The selhama elves, called the soulblood elves in common daevish, are ruled by ancient elders who are said to have lived for over a millennia and have witnessed the rise and fall of ancient gods and kings. The selhama, well-known egalitarians, bar none from their port town of Fasiha Boshdyuos; one may see a hobgoblin war galley making trade aside Casmari privateers. The singular entrance into the territory is known for its wide canals, river-facing shops and eateries, and the silent and well-armed watchmen, the Arbitrators.  

Hillord, Kingdom

Main article: Hillord
  The Kingdom of the Hill Lords, more commonly called Hillord, is a small kingdom to the far northwest that overlooks the Clearwater Sound. Technically on the very edge of the peninsula, the kingdom is based on the tall Highwater Cliffs that peer over the Clearwater Sound. The kingdom is still ruled by descendents of the Hill Lords, who share an ancestry of mixed human and dwarf. The capital city of Brother's Keep was constructed overlooking the Shatterback Falls, a 2,500 foot tall and 1 mile wide waterfall. The city has a massive bridge that spans the 1 mile wide river. The capital city also boasts a system of mechanical lifts, pulleys, and conveyors for hauling ships up from the Sound into the river or one of the many dry docks along the city's southern walls.  

Korzlin, Kingdom

Main article: Korzlin
  The Korzlin Kingdom is the second largest controlled territory on the peninsula. It's capital city, Kor's Reach, was constructed at the mouth of the Tartia River around an old fortress that once belonged to the Divine Empire. The Kingdom is named for the legendary sword-priest of the Divine Empire, Gillia Kor'zlana. It is said that the mountains of the Buried Swords are the hilts of swords carried by the SEAM god called Raize, The Vacant Grin, their blades thrust into the earth by Gillia when she slew Raize during the Deicidium.  

Sites of Interest

The sites below are a mix of adventuring opportunities, locations of valuable resources, and other interesting or unique locations that can be found within this region.


Main article: Goloth Keep
  Goloth Keep is a stone fortress built along the northern bank of the Speckled River. What started as a military garrison by the Order of the Swords of Dawn, Goloth Keep has grown into a full town boasting partially-constructed stone walls and an ever-growing dock. The Order's recent victory over local orc raiders won them an additional settlement at Hilltop where a wooden fortification is being converted into a stone keep. The Lord of Goloth, Nordus Barclay, has particular interest in the Magitech weaponry of the Divine Empire, and has even been equipping his knights with magitech weapons to boost their fighting strength.  

Kobold Lair

Within the rocky hills north of Rianoc there was a kobold lair. Housing some 200-300 kobolds, the lair was a deep cave network that extended into a mine shaft for tin. The kobolds attacked caravans on the nearby roads, and had raided a nearby mining town a few times. The bailiff out of Rianoc put up a bounty, 5 silver for every ear, and 500 gold for anyone who clears the whole lair.
  Update: On the 24th of Tiamishil, ce411, the adventuring party arrived at and cleared out the lair of kobolds. They recovered numerous stolen goods from caravans that had been attacked by the kobolds. A small group of kobolds, mostly women carrying eggs and children, fled the lair, but were caught by the party as they were leaving the lair. The party spoke with the kobolds, who said they would leave for the mountains to the west and not return; the party was agreeable to this and let them on their way. The party collected their payment from the bailiff, though soured some discussions due to disputes over the rights to the recovered goods.


Main article: Litansnell
  Litansnell is an independent town built on the southern bank of a bend in the Stonesthrow River, some 100 miles northwest of Saerin's Shore. The town was founded around the year 300, and thanks to strong leadership within their local council and support from the local druidic circle, the town has been able to remain an independent buffer between the Korzlin and Goldsea kingdoms, despite ongoing pressures from both to be absorbed.


The following are the distinct ecoregions of the Deepview Peninsula, as well as major geographic locations found within the region.
  Clearwater Sound: The Clearwater Sound is a mostly enclosed body of water on the northern side of the peninsula. The sound is quite large, roughly 70 - 80 miles at its widest point. It is a freshwater sound, as the large barrier islands in the north prevent the ocean from encroaching into the mostly enclosed smaller body of water. The sound is home to fish, seabirds, dolphins, and other marine life. The barrier islands, commonly called the Stops, are covered in coastal forests home to many small animals.
  Deepend River: Deepend is a river roughly 150 miles long. It originates from several springs within the Eodmann Woods before exiting into the Hearthless Deep, where it joins with the Rushweed River a few miles from the ocean. The Deepend River is known for its surrounding wetlands which are home to many species of waterfowl, including the rare red-breasted crane, which has a wingspan of 10 feet, making it possibly the largest species of crane in the world.
  Eodmann Forest: The Eodmann Forest is a massive temperate broadleaf forest to the east of Goldsea. Heavy oaks,and beeches make up most of the larger plant life, giving way to a more mixed forest as it spreads to the northeast with the inclusion of some pines. It is home to many dangerous creatures, such as giant animals and unkind fey. There are many rumors about the forest and what treasures may lay deep within it.
  Great Pine Forest: The Great Pine Forest is located on the northeastern tip of the peninsula. It is a large span of temperate coniferous forest. In the deepest parts of the forest, the trees get up to 100 feet tall, though some say they have seen trees even taller towards the center of the forest. It is home to many small game creatures, as well as wild boar and red deer. Some say that the forest is home to a grove of dryads who keep careful eye on the humans who encroach on the forest.
  Hag's Swamp: Hag's Swamp is so-named due to a rumor that a hag lives somewhere within the samp. Whether this is true or not is up for debate, but what is true are the numerous large animals and dangerous creatures that make the swamp its home. These wetlands are known for its tracts of thorn-covered thickets, giving it a second name of "Bramble Swamp".
  Hearthless Deep: Few travel the deep oceans beyond the sight of land. The Hearthless Deep is an expanse of ocean seldom travelled. The last recorded successful voyages across it were the survivors of the destruction of the Divine Empire, who fled the Empire for new lands. Since that time over 400 years ago, ships have not sailed across the ocean, at least none that have returned.
  Heartwood: Heartwood is large island within the Starstone Bay. It is home to massive redwood trees, gigantic fungi, and many magically-touched plant and animal life. Within Heartwood is the elf city, Hearthome. Within the forest, there is said to be a feywood, a copse of trees where fey are said to gather. Some rumors even speak of a portal to the fey realms where fey creatures come from.
  Hobbeswood: Hobbeswood, technically an extension of the Westwood to the south, is a section of forest north of the Stonesthrow River and south of Cutter's River. This section of forest, while similar to the Westwood, is rumored to house a hobgoblin garrison. The validity of this rumor is not without merit, though none have found the supposed garrison. What is true, however, is that the forests in this northernwestern area were once home to many hobgoblin villages, but the Hill Lords drove them from the area when the fleeing citizens of the Divine Empire began to spread out into new areas.
  Zik's Head: Named by Willard Dowel, the prospector who surveyed the lands and establish the town of Gordrick's Row, Zik's Lake is a large body of freshwater on the northern side of the peninsula, and is the largest lake in the region. Due to the crossroads that is Willard's Row, the lake gets much traffic as travellers stop to fish, swim, and enjoy boat rides ferried into the deeper parts of the lake home to schools of exotic, colorful fish. As beautiful as they are, the locals quickly found the fish have a highly unpleasant taste, and so warn travelers to feast with their eyes instead.
  Starstone Bay: The Starstone Bay is a large body of water to the south of the peninsula. It is an estuary where multiple freshwater rivers and streams mix with salt water from the ocean. The Starstone Bay is a large body of water to the south of the peninsula. It is an estuary where multiple freshwater rivers and streams mix with salt water from the ocean. Known for its beauty and bounty, the bay is named after the meteoric stone that can be found sometimes washing onto its beaches. This metal-rich stone has a brilliant shine to it and is a valuable find for those who come across it. These stones contain rare and strange metals, and while they can be seen shining from the bottom of the bay on bright, well-lit nights, efforts to capitalize on this resource have been in vain due to the depth at which the stones are found.
  The Starstone bay is home to numerous fauna that migrate at some point during the year or live there year-round. There are over 300 species of fish and numerous shellfish and crab species. Birds include ospreys, herons, eagles, and falcons. Larger fish such as sturgeon, sharks, and stingrays roam the Bay, as well as some kinds of dolphins. Among the more monstrous creatures, giant crabs have been spotted along the shores near the Eodmann Forest.
  Stonesthrow River: The Stonesthrow River is a long river that cuts north-to-south through the peninsula. It originates from the mountainous paramos in the west, travelling east before turning southward to the Starstone Bay. The river is home to many small river fish, such as trout and freshwater bass. Where the river meets the bay, it is home to many different species of shellfish. The river has an even current, and in many places is agreeable for swimming.
  Tartia River: The Tartia River is a freshwater river that originates from Redmund's Lake. It flows northward to the ocean, with several smaller rivers joining it throughout. The Tartia River has a generally fast current with many rapids as it flows through rocky, hilly areas. This makes travel along the river particularly dangerous during dry seasons when the river is lower.
  Thickmuck River: Named after the muddy wetlands and lagoons at the mouth of the river, Thickmuck is a freshwater river originating from the Eodmann Woods. Thickmuck is a shallow, slow river that meanders through wetlands and thicker swamp before meeting the ocean. These wetlands are home to many marsh-dwelling animals, the most dangerous are the muckdwellers.
  Westwood: The Westwood forest is a large area of temperate broadleaf forest across a somewhat hilly region. It is the western-most ecoregion of the Deepview Peninsula. Most of the forest is of medium density, getting thickers towards the middle before decreasing as the forest gives way to montane forests and eventually rising into steep mountainous paramo plateaus. The forest stretches for a few hundred miles north and south, capped on the southern end by hilly plains and by the Stonesthrow River to the north.


The peninsula has a temperate, seasonal climate all throughout, marked by heavy rains in the spring followed by stormy summers. Heavy fogs are common in summer, as the cool air from the west cools the the warm ground and rivers. Autumns and winters are typically mild, with few heavy snowfalls, especially along the southern regions of the peninsula. The northern side of the peninsula experiences heavier snowfalls; the heaviest snowfall recorded to date was 34 inches, recorded in Hillord.

Natural Resources

The numerous and distinct forests provide a wide variety of resources. Game animals, furs from foxes, badgers, and wolves, mushrooms, herbs, game fowl, and more provide food, clothing, and luxury resources to the surrounding settlements. The expansive coastlines and numerous rivers provide fish, salt, pearls, shellfish, and seaweed. The hilly grassland areas have many exposed caves and cliffs which are exploited for iron, copper, and tin.


  • Deepview Peninsula

Location Details

Alternative Name(s)
Feymarked Woods, Eastern Peninsula
Location under
Territories and Locations

Revealed Secrets

Cave with Magic Statue: Small base for a gang of goblins led by an ogre. Located at 2002.
Feyglass Lake: Located at 2014. See Eodmann Forest
Goblin Hideout: A small cave, hideout of a small gang of goblins who had kidnapped the guardian unicorn of the Westwood. Cleared out. Located at 1803.
Kobold Lair: Cleared out. Located at 1710.
Bluetongue Athenaeum: Low-level institute for Bluetongue sorcerers, those dedicated to the teachings of Mardushu. Located at 2406. See Bluetongue Athenaeum, Minor.
Wizard Tower: Located at 1515. See Eodmann Forest

Plots & Rumors

1. Dryads
Somewhere deep in the Great Pine Forest is a magical grove where dryads live. It is said that the dryads will gift blessings to those they deem worthy.
2. Deep Sea Tower
Off the coast of the Great Pine Forest is a tower far off into the ocean. No one has of yet been able to get inside, as the entrance is several hundred feet above sea level.
3. Wizard Tower
Somewhere in the Eodmann Forest is said to be an ancient wizard's tower. It is said to be leaking magical energy into the environment around it.
The tower was found by the adventuring party in the year 411. See Eodmann Forest for more information.
4. Human-Shaped Trees
Southwest of Casmari is a grove of human-shaped trees. They say the foul witch has cursed them, who lives nearby in a deep, dank cave.
5. Goblin Lair
The increased goblin activity is due to a lair of the creatures west of Litansnell, where the forest meets the paramo.
6. Kobold Lair
There is a kobold lair north of Tinner's Town in Goldsea. These kobolds have taken up in a cave and have been attacking the roads and nearby mine.
The adventuring party located and cleared out the kobolds from this lair. They had allowed a group of kobolds carrying children and eggs to leave, who were fleeing for the mountains to the west, promising they would not return.
7. Hag Den
A hag lives in the eastern swamp. Some say she calls to children from the villages to cook and eat them, others say she brews exotic potions and offers magical goods, for a steep price. Some say both.
8. Feyglass Lake
Within the Eodmann Forest there is a lake that is said to run deep with magical energy from the fae realms. So deep is this well of magic that the mysterious glass-metal known as feyglass grows in clusters near the edges of the lake.
This lake was discovered by the party. See Eodmann Forest for more details.
9. Black Dragon
A black dragon has been attacking ships travelling too close to the Hag's Swamp. A bounty of 5,000 gold has been placed by the kingdom of Goldsea, and a wizard out of Kozlin has sent bounty notices to all the kingdoms asking for the dragon, trapped and alive, offering rare and powerful magical items.
10. Ogre Lair
Some have claimed a lair of ogres has taken up residence in a cave deep in the southwestern edges of the Westwood. These rumors claim the ogres stole a royal dowry from the cyclops merchant princes of Palmra.
11. Green Dragon
Deep in the Westwood there is the lair of a green dragon. It has been spotted circling the woods by scouts out of Goloth Keep, though it has yet to make any aggression against the human populations.
12. Orc Barbarians
Orc barbarian nomads have been spotted in the southwest beyond the foothills. The orcs have been attacking Goloth Keep, straining the local Order's resources.
13. Centaur Village
Somewhere in the Eodmann Forest is a village of centaurs. They exit the forest and visit the local towns on the outskirts of Goldsea in the spring and summer months, to trade with the villagers.

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