Shadowkin Species in The Savage Woods | World Anvil


Their formal name is 'not-moose.' Rangers, though have a love for dramatic names. In the safety of the forts, they are Shadowkin. When they're deep in the Forest and see one of these behemoths coming, they prefer Shadows' bastard.   Either way, their name relates to the early belief that these mutated moose were aspects of the spirit Suuvhatan. Suuvhatan translates to "Shadows of the Trees," so his offspring came to be known as Suuvinha - shadowkin.   Each shadowkin stands at around ten feet tall at the shoulder. They're cover in in long, shaggy fur that quickly becomes matted with dirt and moss. Their antlers mutate into tangled nests of spikes, and their snouts narrow and lengthen, filled with jagged teeth. It's their hooves that Rangers fear the most, though. Once a shadowkin starts kicking, they won't stop until their victim is pulverized, and a single kick can shatter bones and make any attempt at running impossible.