Swamp Lung Condition in The Sagas | World Anvil

Swamp Lung

Have you been drink that swamp water you idiot? You should know better than to do such a thing, now look at you. I can see the symptoms as clear as glass, you're lucky I have some Algaecide with me or you sir would be a dead man in the next few days. Now drink it twice a day in small amounts, you are going to feel a lot of pain and that means its working. Let that be a reminder never to do that again you're a grown man for crying out loud you should know better. - Annoyed doctor

Transmission & Vectors

It often has to do with ingesting swamp water that is not purified.


Swamp Lung is the cause of certain forms of algae are ingested into the body and it enter the lung where it will grow over time.


Stage One

  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest pains

Stage Two

  • Headaches
  • Coughing up green substance

Stage Three

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Lack of conciseness

Stage Four

  • Death


A recent treatment involving alcohol mixed together with a few powders and herbs has been effective in removing the algae. However, there are two negative effects, you lungs feeling like their on fire and slowly coughing up the dead algae from you're lungs is quite painful. Then you will need bed rest until you lungs are finally cleared out.


If it is not treated in a week or two the algae will continue to grow in you're lungs and you will suffocate.


It is best not to drink water from marshes and swamps unless you purify it before drinking.


It always goes through water so people drinking for a certain water source can be infected without realizing it.


Most known cases have been of small incidences that have only one infected person, often in swamp regions where algae is common. No one knows the actual type that causes this so most people stay clear of all forms of it. But there have been a few incidents have been large scale in some towns and villages that are near these places and the algae can reach their water supply from rainfall. Those who drink from it without purifying it will be infected and a outbreak will happen depending how many people drink from it. Some of these outbreaks have led to dozens of people dead in case such as theses as there was no cure for them. Making it all the more reason to purify the water before drinking and people are taught at a young age to do this before drinking water. But once the cure call Algaecide was created fatalities have decreased exponentially and better filtration system have made cases become rare in this day and age. Making drinking water a lot more safe then ever before.

Cultural Reception

Before the cure people who had this were considered dead as their was on way to actual remove the algae, unless had healing magic and that is rare. So they were often just keep as comfortable as possible or put out of their misery before symptoms are too sever as their body starts to fail them.
Chronic, Acquired
Affected Species


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