Codex Legionis

The codex guides us in our darkest time to ensure our legion does not lose its way - Legatus


Legacy of a Founder

  The codex was created by Aurelius the Wise, a famous military figure in Vatian culture for his military skill and philosophical views on the world around him. One of his most outstanding achievements was the creation of the legionary and the legions they would form to replace the outdated hoplites that were no longer an adequate military force. He would do this by creating the Codex Legionis, which would become the backbone of how a legion would be created and the rules and guidelines they would follow to fight forth successfully. The codex would become the foundation of all future legions to follow and would be considered a sacred text amongst the legions to find guidance and as a reminder of who they are.

Document Structure

Publication Status

The codex is only accessible to those in the legions of the Vatian Empire, and only members of these legions are allowed to read them if they can. Anyone who is not a part of the legions and reads the document will be punished as the document goes to great lengths on tactics and skills that on how the legions run and, if in the wrong hands, could cause enemies of the empire to exploit the text and find weaknesses in the legions.

Historical Details


A Change in Tactics

  It was a different time in what would be a different world when Vatia, a small city-state began to rise in power and expand its borders over in conquered neighbors. But with its rise in power, so did the obstacles it had to face to keep that power. For centuries, the Vatian military would revolve around citizen-soldiers known as hoplites to fight its wars and defend its lands from harm. Often rely on highly organized tactics to face larger enemy forces, with the phalanx being one of their most famous formations. But the expanding borders of the city made it more challenging to protect its lands from neighbors and raiders, along with the citizens that took up arms to defend their homes could not guard these borders at all times because they were not trained to do so. There was also the fact that the tactics used were becoming outdated as their enemies soon found ways to exploit them, leading to costly defeats. This would significantly change with the arrival of Aurelius the Wise as he began to create a new professional army that would be capable of protecting their lands and defeating their enemies.   With his years of experience fighting the wars to ensure his people's survival, Aurelius would create a codex allowing his people to train proper soldiers for war. He would also be very thorough to ensure that it could not be exploited as easily as one would expect. He also found ways to allow small armies to be capable of fighting larger ones by creating tactics that would make their number useless. Along with ways to expand their borders by building infrastructure to allow citizens, to move right into these new lands with ease without the fear of attack or hardships. With adding his philosophical views to create a sense of nationalism and duty to all serving in the military to never give in to the fear and despair in the face of so many enemies they had to face. With this codex, the legionaries were created, and their role in ensuring victory for the city and its rise to becoming a kingdom and a regional power that very few would dare face.
Manual, Military
Authoring Date
1534 BCA

Scripture of the Legions

by Midjourney
  The codex is considered a sacred document still used by the Imperial Legions of the empire to this day. It is often used to ensure the legions do not stray from their principles and traditions. Though some of the ideas in the codex are outdated, considering it was written thousands of years ago, its ideas and the wisdom of what it meant to be a legionary are considered an inspiration to current and future generations who decided to join the legions. It has been etched in the very being of culture and remains relevant to their modern times.

Cover image: by Midjourney


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