Ambar Cloth


Material Characteristics

It is soft material that can be identified due to is distinct dull green color.

Physical & Chemical Properties

It is flexible and smooth once it is produced.

Geology & Geography

It is made form the Algora plant which is only found in the Swamplands floating on its murky waters.

Origin & Source

The Algora plant is the only plant this material can be made from.

Life & Expiration

It takes many years before the cloth decays from use

History & Usage


The Kurdel of the Swamplands were the first to use this material for clothing and shelter. The material was highly durable when the final product was made and could last for years in harsh conditions. Once the Vatian Empire gain control of the region many Vatians used it for sails since it could hold more wind in the sails and were heavily bleached to remove the green color. Along with being made into clothing, awnings, umbrellas and tents as it was able to block sunlight and was highly resistant to getting wet as well. Bleaching would also be done and it would be dyed again as well to better attract customers rather then dealing with a single color. It would later be used as a form of camouflage as its green color would help the wearer blend in forested environments and help block out the elements as well. But it would commonly be sued a clothing to prevent the elements from effecting the wearer in the mean time.


The swamp tribes known as the Kurdel were the original founder of the material.

Everyday use

It used serveral different ways, clothing, shelter and warmth.

Cultural Significance and Usage

It is consider a material that only those with money can get and those who have it will no longer get wet when wearing it making it a statement saying that they have power over the elements.


With industrial advancements the cloth is more durable and flexable then it ever was and greater quanties can be made from it then ever before. It natural smell is also removed through serveral chemical properties as well.

Manufacturing & Products

  • Clothing
  • Sails
  • Awnings
  • Coats
  • Umbrellas
  • Tents
  • Blankets


Trade & Market

Merchants own a faberic license can sell these goods to any place they want and it is considered common to find in many area in the lands of Humanity.


Due the material beginning highly durable it survive in and enviromet and does not need special care for them, with a simple crate begin all that is need to store away.

Law & Regulation

Their are no actual regulations either then having cloth licenses to sell the cloth
40 Silver Crowns
Common State


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