Abanol Species in The Sagas | World Anvil


All right little one time to do what you best and dig me a nice hole. - Miner
  Abanols are unique subterranean species of mammals known for their ability as diggers to even cut through roots and rock with ease. Making them excellent for jobs that involve digging. They are hard to find though as they spend most of their time underground as that is where they gain most of their nourishment from.

Basic Information


Quadrupeds with four limbs and sturdy muscles and bones.

Biological Traits

Digging Claws: Claws are not made of average keratin, but instead something harder than metal can Seterin which can cut through rock with ease and make them dig at a faster rate.   Flexible Body: Due to a strong spine, they are capable of bending more and avoid injuries. Allowing them to go into holes with ease and other small places.   Danger Sense: Abanols have been known to be skittish when they see the first sign of danger as their sense are designed to sense danger before it even happens.   Sensory Fur: Their fur is designed to pick up slight changes in temperature, wind direction, and air pressure to sense danger.   Strong Lungs: Due to them living mostly underground they have developed the ability to breathless air into their lungs as they have developed to conserve as much as possible to survive.

Genetics and Reproduction

It only takes five weeks for them to give birth sexually.

Growth Rate & Stages

It will take about five months to reach adulthood. At this time their claws will harden and their fur will grow with layers and shed several times to get the coat that they need.

Ecology and Habitats

Abonals will make their homes underground often using abandoned dens of other animals to save time and dig tunnels to get from place to place much faster without going to the surface where predators can make an easy meal out of them.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Abanols are carnivores that feed on insects and other small animals through hunting and will often bring their food back to their den to eat where it is safe. They will even scavenge for food leftover from carcasses if food is scarce to come by.

Biological Cycle

When winter comes around an Abonol will remain active as it will hunt underground for most of its foods.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Abonals populations depend mostly on how much food is in their region, because of this they are mostly solitary hunters that are only seeking out other Abonals when they wish to mate. With males often claiming an area for themselves with several females encompassing it. Often fighting other males that try to take it over by swatting and growling at each other.


Abanols can easily be domesticated due to their submissive nature and bribing it with food making it easy for them to follow those who feed it. Over time it can follow commands instantly when told to through training. Often developing certain personalities

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Fur: Abonal fur is considered highly valuable due to being smooth and soft to wear. It is considered expensive to make a coat out of it due to it needing dozens of abonals due to them being small.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Abanols are commonly found in the Western Lands often underneath the ground in their subterranean dens.

Average Intelligence

They are capable of understanding commands and can be trained to follow tasks as they can solve many types of problems on their own. Even memorizing sounds, smells, and images to recognize any possible dangers.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Sight: Can see in the dark clearly and can track quick-moving objects.   Hearing: Can tell if the ground they are digging in is about to fall on top of them.   Smell: Have a keen sense of smell that can detect gas and moisture underground.   Vibration sensors: Able to see vibrations in the ground to see if they are in danger or not.
Scientific Name
Class: Natural
8 years - 15 years
Average Weight
Male: 9 - 11 ounces   Female: 6 - 8 ounces
Average Length
Male: 17 - 23 inches   Female: 15 - 18 inches
Average Physique
Abanols are not strong at all, but their flexible bodies allow them to get into places that are hard to fit into than most other animals.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Black and brown, brown and tan
Geographic Distribution

Able Diggers

  Abanols have been favored by many for their ability to dig through almost anything making it used a lot by miners and farms to help them in their digging. Mainers will use them to help get through hard points in a mining zone to reach deposits that are hard to reach or find. While farmers will use them to help dig holes for crops and get rid of insects and rodents that would ruin their crops.  


  Abonals have been known to be trouble makers when they are domesticated as they will often steal things that belong to their owners and hiding around the house in small spaces. Even at times nibbling on any exposed toes and figures as a form of playing. The sound they make which is smilier than giggling does not help their case either.  

Loyal Companions

  Despite being considered trouble makers they are also considered loyal to their owners creating strong bonds with them. They are highly affectionate to them and playful at times as well. They will even bring dead animals into their home to prove that they can earn their keep around the household. Often warning them of any danger that might be near as well and even fighting back to protect them despite their small size they are very vicious when they need to be.  


  It is believed that an abanol is considered some of the best diggers in the world even riveling the rabbit in some cases as they create a complex tunneling system they use to travel rather than going above ground like ferrets or weasels to avoid danger. Some of these tunnels can go as far as a mile and they can memorize their layout without a second thought making them hard to catch due to no one knowing where they will pop up in need.

Cover image: Abanol by Jester%


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