Shadowbough Forest Geographic Location in The Realm of Beardsgaard | World Anvil

Shadowbough Forest

The far northern Vanaheim forest of oak and pine and towering Eagleswood trees perilously close to The Gaw. In the center of the forest is the Tree of Gilorn, from which a potion of eternal youth can be distilled by its guardian, if the timeline of the seeker's life is judged worthy.
Face potions are still being dreamed up by the Alchemist, journey to the River Peak Apothecary Webshoppe and subscribe to stay tuned
Location under
Overlay illustration by Brian Busch Studio

Dungeons & Dragons Episodes in this Location

The Shadowbough One Shot

  Each season we go on a one shot Dungeons & Dragons adventure in one of our lore locations, all available on the Beardsgaard YouTube channel. See what happened when we traveled back in time and made our characters live through through some major historical events!  


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