Glaedor Dawnbud Character in The Realm of Beardsgaard | World Anvil

Glaedor Dawnbud

From the Alfheim mythology.   The son of a Day Elf father and a Night Elf mother in the young and communal Village of Laspen, Glaedor was marginally raised both his parents after they realized by their union that they had had another child together before, his elder sister Glaewiel.   Growing up with little supervision in a very relaxed town just across the river from The Magic Belt, Glaedor found his way into plenty of trouble. Experimenting with herbs of a very differnt sort from his sister, he would galavant around getting into hairbrained schemes with sketchy folk until he usually had to be rescued by his sister when he got in too deep.   In the nearby Town of Alfirin the daytime and nighttime crowds are quite different. While his sister entered at dawn for trade, he visited at dusk to trade his Shireweed for plane shifting potions that allow entry to the Faewild from anywhere, not only at a designated gate like Alfirin.   One day he finds himself in the company of some rather nefarious characters. When he freely accompanies this band of Unseelie to a second location, he finds himself in a precarious situation, being drained of his blood to make a plane shifting potion that allows entry to the Mortal Plane from anywhere.   When he does not return and his sister gets wind of where he may have gone, she must go into the Faewild at dusk to save him and clean up whatever mess he made this time.


Glaedor Dawnbud

Brother (Vital)

Towards Glaewiel Dawnbud



Glaewiel Dawnbud

Sister (Important)

Towards Glaedor Dawnbud



Chaotic Neutral
656 AF 1224 AF 568 years old
Circumstances of Death
A series of unfortunate choices and events
Glaewiel Dawnbud (Sister)
6 ft


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