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Republic of Distira

The Republic of Distira is a star state with control of a single class-K star system. It is nominally a unitary democratic republic, but following the end of the Tavastian War, its government has become largely incapable of governing the system. The capital world, Distira Prime, is split between numerous factions competing for control over the planet and system in a low-intensity civil conflict. The officially recognised government, the League for Distiran Democracy, controls a plurality of the planet, including its capital, and is officially supported by the Congressional Republic of Orizont.  

The Distiran Civil War

There are currently five primary factions competing for control of Distira Prime and the Distiran system. These are the League for Distiran Democracy, the People's Defence Alliance, the Carvelli Syndicate, the Distiran Entropy Cult, and the so-called High Kingdom of the Roads.   While Distira had been unstable since its independence in 2515, the Civil War truly began in 2590 when Distiran government forces, with assistance from the Orizonter military, attempted to crack down on remaining Entropy Cultists after the defeat of Tavastia in 2589. In response to this, the Distiran Entropy Cult began organising militias and engaging in a geurilla war against the government, and causing many civilian casualties. In turn, many Distiran civilians organised into their own local militias, which slowly began to centralise. By 2593, the government demanded that all unofficial militias either disband or join the military as irregular units. While some assented to this, most non-Entropy Cult militias refused, instead formally organising into the People's Defence Alliance.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Mixed economy


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