Lokindras Addenrift Character in The Nine Worlds of Heimar | World Anvil
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Lokindras Addenrift

(a.k.a. Lok)

Lokindras Addenrift grew up in a situation no child ever should. His father, was an abusive narcissist who physically and emotionally traumatized his household. As a wealthy and influential member of the Illussory Alliance, he remained untouchable by any authority, and had the capabilities to cover up the true state of his home life. However, what's worse than one abusive parent is two. Lokindras' father beat his mother, and so his mother beat Lokindras. The cycle of violence never seemed to end in the walls of their home and it ultimately killed the part of Lokindras that had the capacity for compassion. One night, his father's anger escalated and drove him to the point of killing his own wife, a crime that was never fully brought into the light. Although her death was a relief to the boy more than anything, for the remainder of his young life, Lokindras would bear the brunt of his fathers anger in his mothers place receiving a mangled scar on the left side of his face that never healed quite right.   Shortly after the Old Aesir manufactured a cure, Alfheim nearly irradicated the Blight that afflicted them. In the 1500 years since Ragnorok, the Blight has been nearly unheard of, only resurfacing in very rare mutations. However these mutations have made it no less lethal, only quicker in it's effects. When Lokindras was 11 years old, his father contracted one of these rare mutations and it very nearly killed him in just a matter of days. The boy waited expectantly for his father's death, hoping to be free from the tyranny that presided over his own home. But, Lokindras' hopes were never to be realized. At the seemingly very last moments of his life, the doctors administered to his father a modfied cure for the blight that proved to be extremely effective. His father made a full recovery and went back to his normal way of things almost immediately. Lokidras' hopes of freedom were shattered and his upbringing doomed to remain forever in turmoil. A truth that planted a twisted seed in the boy's heart.   As the boy grew, he showed great promise in the realms of science, and decided to pursue a career in bio-chemistry. It wasn't far down that path that he became interested in the study of pathogens, particularly the mutated blight that had nearly given him everything he had ever wanted. Whether it be due to morbid curiosity, or hate fueled vigor, Lokindras began conducting questionable experiments with the mutated blight pathogens. Rumors circulated that some of his test subjects were unwilling Alven citizens. A few years after he began conducting these experiments, Lokindras went to visit his father for the first time in his adult life. Three months later, his father died of a mysterious illness, the doctors were unable to identify. In time, Lokindras both made a career for himself in bio-chemistry and filled the gap of his father's position at the Illussory Alliance.   When the war between the Illussory Alliance and the Puresighted Rebellion began, Lokindras received the alliance's funding to research and develop chemical weapons that would help them crush the rebels. It was at this time, that the rumors of Alven test subjects were confirmed, as the alliance gladly and willingly gave him POW's to use as lab rats. Lokindras developed a reputation as a cold, sinister, and heartless man who was just as merciless as the weapons he developed. Through this, Lokindras learned what it felt like to be the one in power, with weaker men begging at your feet. After all these years, Lokindras experienced what it was like to be on the other side of the equation, and truth be told, he didnt mind it one bit. In fact, he seemed to get a sort of malicious joy from the looks of pity in his victims' eyes. He quickly became a primary target of the resistance's special ops.   Although he had managed to successfully create a number of biological weapons for the alliance, Lokindras' most recent project adopted a personal touch. He used the alliances funding and the POW test subjects they provided to continue his studies on mutated blight. He believed that he could refine and alter the pathogen to be a lethal weapon on the battlefield that would decimate all of the alliance's enemies in a matter of minutes. However his progress was slow and menial, and he risked losing the support of the alliance if he did not deliver on his promise very soon. At this same point in time, the rebels had closed in on his position and began a raid on the research facility that sent Lokindras into hiding in the forests of Alfheim.   Lokindras did manage to escape and take the majority of his research and equipment, several vials of blight pathogen, and a single hostage of the rebellion, intending to continue his experiments. With both the rebellion and the alliance on his tail, Lokindras was left with little options to survive and continue his work. That was until, one rainy night as he was running from a rebel patrol hot in his trail, he stumbled into the long forgotten ruins of a Bi-frost gate terminal; the console faintly glowing after centuries of dormancy.  

Minor Villain

As a minor villain of the campaign, Lokindras will be a reoccurring character throughout the playthrough, although he may be disguised and his true identity unknown to the players for some time. The likelihood of interaction woth Lokindras before knowing his true purposes is very high. Lokindras will go by the name "Lokni" when deceiving the players. His primary goal is to continue developing a more potent version of the Blight pathogen and then return to Alfheim to add his creation the Illussory alliance's arsenal. This will allow him to be in sole posession of an incredibly lethal weapon, that could pave the way for him to be supreme over his enemies back on Alfheim, as well as be the first to establish a ruling presence on Asgard since Ragnorok and hopefully shape it into his own vision. Although he is unaware of the worldsoul's ressurection at first, he does notice the strange enhancements happeing to Asgard's life forms and believes that if he can trace this back to it's source, that will become the key to enhancing the blight pathogen as well.   Lokindras carries a constant emotional death with him, remaining highly logical and goal oriented in everything he does. He views people as assets, or in many cases, test subjects, and has a very emotionless morality. Pleas for mercy and compassion have no effect on him. It is his belief that the natural world is "sub-par" and that it needs people like him to enhance it and increase it's efficiency. The path to that may include great suffering for many, but it is through that suffering that a more 'refined' way of life can emerge. He views himself as a visionary, and believes that those who disagree with his methods simply don't understand, and are not worthy to be part of the world he intends to build. Life for Lokidras is very black and white. Something is either advantageous to growth or it is not, and those elements that are not must be erradicated. This can have positive effects such as giving him great amounts of patience, an aversion to anger and unneccessary arguments, a knowledge of what battles are really worth fighting, and an abiltiy to focus on the goal, even when all is chaos around him. This comes with a great many negative aspects as well tho including, all consuming apathy, no value for organic life, pride in his own philosophies, and justification of evil for the cause of progress.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Slender and tall. Holds himself in a dignified and upright posture at all times. Moves with a slow and calculated confidence.

Apparel & Accessories

Illussory Alliance Crown, Hooded Cloak, Dagger, Single shot close range pistol, vials of altered blight

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Lokindras arrived on Asgard through the Bi-frost around the same time as the players. He arrived in a set of ruins that used to be a central transport terminal for the Old Aesir. Players will reach this set of ruins in Journey to Othala - Chapter 3A. Since his arrival, Lokindras has managed to set up a rudimentary lab in the ruin site where he has continued developing the altered blight.
Roleplay Guide:   Motives: Deeply committed to his studies of the Blight Pathogen. Desires to elevate his own power by any means neccessary. Vengeful   Bonds: Eventually forms a distant relationship with the players, and also teams up with Hel Altruis II later in the campaign. Has no real connections while on Asgard.   Ideals: Progress, pursuit of knowledge, cut all losses mentality   Flaws: Justifies acts of great evil in pursuit of his own selfish desires. Natural liar and quick to betray when it becomes convenient. No compassion whatsoever.   Tropes: Strokes his scar with his thumb when deep in thought   Catchphrase:   Vocal Traits: Calming inflexions with a very present sense of posterity and class   Perspective Shapers:   Abusive parents | adverse to direct open conflict. Capable of maintaining composure in the midst of chaos. Self seeking mentality   Familiar with death | Not queasy whatsoever. Unafraid of risk   On the run | extremely cautious and wary of others
Pale grey that shifts to ghostly white
Wavy black hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale grey skin
Aligned Organization
Character Prototype


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