Draugr Rulings in The Nine Worlds of Heimar | World Anvil
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Draugr Rulings

Draugrs are the remains of dead that have become empowered by Dark Worldsoul energy to obey their summoner. Draugrs can be used as fighters, servants, or even to repeat a task they did while still alive once again.   Summoning Rules and Difficulty     When a Draugr is summoned, their major missing limbs are reformed by dark energy. They do not regrow organs, skin, and the like. You must be in close proximity to the remains to begin summoning. A summoner can only maintain control of a max number of Draugrs equal to their INT score. Draugrs with a CL of 4 to 5 are considered middle tier and a summoner takes -1 to the number of Draugrs they can control at a time. Draugrs with a CL 6 or above are considered high tier and a summoner can not control any other Draugrs at the same time.  
  Take note, that the same rules for summoning a Draugr apply even if you fail. The difference is that you have no control over your Draugr and the Draugr subject to the whims of dark energy and will attack anything and everything, most likely you.   Draugrs Performing Actions   Draugrs will do anything their summoner asks without reservation. They do retain the memories and limited abilities they had in life, but they have no will of their own. However, this does not mean you must tell your Draugr what to do every step of the way. As long as it is given a task of some sort, the Draugr is intelligent enough to do basic problem solving and perform independently until the task is done. A Draugr can fight without its master telling it to punch, kick, block, etc. Sometimes remains will be found along with tools that the now deceased used in life. Since Draugrs retain their memories they lived in life it makes sense that they can use such tools still. The effectiveness of the tool will be dependent on the condition of the tool due to age. This applies to armor as well and grants more or less armor points depending on age. Draugrs that are equipped with tools gain a proficiency skill point using said tool/weapon depending on the strength of the connection to the object. This connection is determined by the narrator  
  Draugr’s with Vocations   Certain Draugr’s spent much of their life doing a particular thing and carried that with them into their death. When resurrected these Draugr become known as Sapient Undead. They have more of their previous life characteristics than the typical undead and their skills reflect that. When you resurrect a sapient undead capable Draugr the narrator will assign a vocation and related attribute to it. You then gain 3 skill points to assign to the Draugr’s core skills in the related attribute. For example, if the narrator assigns a Warrior (STR) vocation to the Draugr, you may then spend 3 skill points in the Endurance, Athletics, Grip, Swim, or Throw skills.


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