Grey Fortress Building / Landmark in The New World (2.Order) | World Anvil

Grey Fortress

"Of the grey fortress however, little is known. And even the little that is known can be called little more than myths.
No one knows, when this fortress was built. But any recording of the geographical features, any report of the surrounding landscape and any drawing of the land, however far one may go back, shows this fortress. Cold, grey and deserted, often obscurred in fog, mist and rain, never entered, untouched by time, to name just a few of the words related to this place. It almost seems to be as old as the Land itself.
No one knows, why this fortress was built. The ever obscurring mists make it impossible to have seen into the distance from the fortress itself and all the fortifications seem unneccesary as no army could - or in fact would - reach the tops of these cold and steep mountains.
No one knows, who built this fortress. Yet one thing at least seems clear here. The oldest mentions of the fortress date back to the first Order, before the land of the wizards shattered into peaces and was thrown into the sea. Therefore it surely has to have been them, using their powerfull magic to built an unreachable fortress. Who knows, what they watched from up there or which arts they studied in there. Yet now, and this is another one of the few things that are known, now they are gone. The fortress lies deserted, its purpose lost.
Or at least its first purpose. Another myth, and with nothing to confirm this condemned to ever stay as such, claiming that a priceless treasure lies now upon the cold stone. Weapons not from this world but brought down from the spirit world whence the spirits came to fight alongside us mortals in an hour of peril. Yet the spirits do not speak of that place or what may be hidden there. Only in their refusal to speak of it may we seek the answers to our questions, but questions they will remain."
- unknown author

Not much more than this is or has ever been known about the fortress. Everything else is built on stories and myth. One of the most believed myths tells that all the weapons of the immortal spirits lie in that fortress. Why this would be is another matter and every story seems to have its own explanation for this. Some say they were ordered to do so by the gods. Other say it was to keep the mortal races from laying hands on them and use them on each other. Others again claim that one day a worthy mortal will reach the fortress, unite all the mortal beeings under his command and brandishing his celestial weapon will sweep the Land of all demons .

It is known however, that at the beginning of the second Order the light elves were given the task to guard the fortress by the spirits of the wood . After the light elves however were expelled from that land by decision of the godking this task was - again by the spirits of the wood - given to the men and women that now settled that area. Neither of those groups either knew or wanted to share any further knowledge with anyone else and so the truth will remain uncertain.

Purpose / Function

Founding Date
Alternative Names
lonely fortress
Parent Location


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