Misty Mountains Geographic Location in The New World (2.Order) | World Anvil

Misty Mountains

The misty mountains are the highest part of the southern mountain range coming west from the fire mountains and going east until it meets first haven bay . With most of that range beeing rather low and often covered in rainforest to the tops, the misty mountains stick out very clearly; a cluster of high mountains showing bare rockfaces when not abscurred in mist. On a clear day these peaks can be glimpsed from the western shore of first haven bay , yet often no more than a high bank of cloud is surrounding the mountaintops.
There are no settlemens in the vincinity of these mountains altough the surrounding hills and smaller mountains are populated by light elves at the beginning of the second Order and by humans in later days. At any time however the misty mountains itself a sacred to the population of the hills and only few are ever allowed to climb up the narrow paths. For on the highest of those peaks stands the grey fortress  , also called "lonely fortress".
This fortress is one of the oldest buildings on the Land. No one knows how or when it was built and for which reason. There are many stories, rumors and myths about this place but hardly any written evidence can be found. It is said that after the end of the great demonwar the immortal spirits layed down their celestial weapons here so that they could never be used on the mortal races.
Many have gone seeking these treasures, but none of them have ever returned.
Mountain Range
Included Locations


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