Book Hunters Organization in The New Word (4. Order) | World Anvil

Book Hunters

The book hunters are a subgroup od the librarians. They are fully trained as such. But instead of continuous study in the ancieant halls of The Great Library they have chosen a more advenurous way. In their search for new anf olk books the library does not yet own they travel the lands far and wide, often for many years. Equipted with an official letter they are to be given food and lodging in any noble house they come across. Refusal to do so can be punished by a banishment from the library for the noble families. 
In exchange for received hospitality the bookhunters may serve as teacher for a short while. If however they are pushed for time they may refuse such a request without having to fear any consequences. 

Also bookhunters - as all other librarians - are political neutral. They may not influence political decisions or take sides in military conflict. But neither can they be made prisoners of war for beeing at a hostile court nor may they be stopped leaving or entering besieged land.


The bookhunters do no have their own hierachy but are answerable to the elder librarians.

Public Agenda

The book hunters are sent out from the library to collect new and old books that are not yet represented in the great library itself to preserve the knowledge within them. On some occasions book hunters may be sent out after a particular book. But mostly they travelled without a certain goal, simply looking for rare books. In later years they would mostly carry around a small book with a list of wanted books. 

Their second task - altough by far less important - was to function as short term teachers. Mostly they would answer a number of questions, solve a problem or give their opinion on a philisophical question when housed somewhere.


The bookhunters were called into beeing when the library had become so great that a most of the librarians were needed just to keep order in the halls of the library itself, copy old books, translate those from dead languages into such that are still spoken, teach younger librarians and handle the fast growing number of visitors.
In order to keep the number of incoming books from stalling soe librarians were chosen to concentrate on this task. The first bookhunters were simple librarians, mostly young ones hat went out into the world and returned with books they had either copied or bought from their former owners (it should be mentioned that during the early years there also were some over-eager book hunters and it came to a number of incidents concerning stolen books where the owneers had been unwilling to share their treasuries). 

After few years however, this new system had evolved further. Young book-hunters-to-be received special training following their basic librarian studies. Such things as they learned for example were the skills of speech and persuation. Also they learned very practical things such as lightning a fire, navigation and social intercourse both with the common and the noble folk. Only after succesful completion of this training hey were let loose onto te world outside. In many cases they would travel for a while in the company of an elder book hunter.


This organisation fell apart with the destruction of the library itself.
Parent Organization
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