Rasrathnian Sea Geographic Location in The Million Islands | World Anvil
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Rasrathnian Sea

The Rasrathnian Sea is the body of water separating the Eastern and Western Rasrathnii Islands. It is the home to Skotadipeios the Shadow-Eyed, one of the gods of the Cyclopes. He is also called the Flesh-forger and the Bone-turner by the Cyclopes, and he has filled the sea with unusual and dangerous monsters. The sea is also known for the treacherous and upredictable winds that fill it, emanating from the Turrhēnoi Islands. Ships that attempt to cross the Rasrathnian can be alternately becalmed and beset by gales, regardless of the time of year.

Notable Spirits

The god of the Rasrathnian Sea is Skotadipeios the Shadow-Eyed, third son to Asterop the Star-Eyed, mother of the Cyclopes. Unlike his brothers, Skotadipeios' single eye was filled with darkness rather than light, and he turned away from the sky and sought his home in the mountains of the sea-bed. There, he turned his urges to create to a different path than his elder brothers. While Heliopeios forged weapons and tools in the great volcano of Thalupu, and Selenepeios crafted poetry and music upon Maleth, Skotadipeios became a breeder of monsters beneath the sea. First he crafted Chéli, a monstrous eel who protects him personally, and is the chief of all the sea monsters and mother to many of his most destructive creations. With her help, he took the creatures native to the seafloor and made dozens of unique monsters, most of which have never been seen by surface dwellers. When the Hleemeentreezee slaughtered his brother Selenepeios, he sent his greatest monster to ravage Maleth, a creature with a hundred serpentine heads that belched acid and slime upon the invaders. While the Hleemeentreezee were able to drive the monster away, they remain wary of taking their living ships anywhere Skotadipeios or Chéli might notice them.


The sea is bounded by the island of Trinacria to the east, and by Ichnusa and Kalliste to the west. It also contains a number of smaller islands, the largest of which is haunted Táfos.

There are mountains beneath the waters of the sea, some of which are volcanic. According to legend, the volcanoes of the Rasrathnian Sea are where Skotadipeios creates his monsters.

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Geographic Details
Location: Southeastern Region
Latitude: 33.91 degrees North
Longitude: 30.33 degrees East
Maximum Depth: 12,418 ft
Area: 106,200 sq mi

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