Ichnusa Geographic Location in The Million Islands | World Anvil
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Ichnusa (ikʰˈnuː.sa)

Ichnusa is the second largest of the Rasrathnii Islands, and the largest in the western grouping of the archipelago. It is inhabited by the Leonaragians, a race a man-eating giants. The island has a small population despite its size - only about four hundred Leonaragians live there. They are highly territorial, and each claims a region of the island that is roughly 25 sq miles, in which they consider themselves the sole authority. They do not plant crops, for they are exclusively carnivorous. Nor do they choose to raise animals; they prefer to hunt wild prey over tending to domesticated creatures. They will fish along the coasts and in the rivers, but do not build boats or visit other islands, except for Kalliste and Oileán Beag, which are close enough to swim to. A Leonaragian stands between six and ten feet tall, and will typically weigh between 220 and 660 pounds. They are immensely strong and fast, and are expert hunters who can vanish into the woods and strike from ambush. They resemble large humans, with a head covered in bristly red hair and sharp, pointed teeth.

On the northern coast of the island is Lamos, the city of the Leonaragians. It is an ancient city built of gigantic stone blocks, and it is typically empty. At several times during the year, the Leonaragians will congregate in the city. These are the only times that they gather in large numbers. They meet to share news, mate with each other, and to hold a great feast. Their status at the meeting will be dicatated by how much meat they bring to the feast, and they will spend weeks beforehand hunting and trapping animals for the gathering, and some will even pen animals and feed them, in order to bring an even larger bounty to the feast.


The coasts of Ichnusa are mostly high and rocky, with long, relatively straight stretches of coastline. There are a few wide, deep bays, and many smaller islands off the coast. The center of the island is dominated by a mountain range known as the Órodous. The highest peak is named Óros Nýchi, and is nearly six thousand feet high at the peak. There are few large rivers that cross the landscape, and one freshwater lake near the Lamos, along with several large, shallow, salt-water lagoons and pools are located along the coastline.


The island is heavily forested, and is home to a wide range of plant and animal species. One notable element is the absence of any large predators, other than the Leonaragians themselves - according to them, they have long since slaughtered any competition of wolf-size or larger. There are deer, wild goats, and wild pigs, as well as many species of birds and small animals. Sea turtles lay eggs on the island, and there are salamanders and frogs as well.

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Geographic Details
Location: Southeastern Region
Latitude: 33.92 degrees North
Longitude: 27.33 degrees East
Average Elevation: 358 ft
Highest Point: 5,948 ft (Óros Nýchi)
Lowest Point: -7 ft
Area: 9,300 sq mi

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