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Minamijima (͡ʑ

Until about fifty years ago, the island of Minamijima was of little interest to anyone. It was a tiny island, less that two square miles in area, that was rarely visited by ships. While it was officially claimed by the Empire of Wamato, it had no resident population, and was considered insignificant by those who had even heard of it.

This all changed when white smoke began to emerge in bursts from the ocean just north of the island. This was observed by several passing ships, who carried reports of the strange phenomenon north to Wamato. By the time an official vessel was dispatched to observe, black rocks had emerged from the sea off the north shore of Minamijima. Over the next few days, the Yanjin sailors watched as a new island grew out of the sea to the north of Minamijima. A cone-shaped hill at the center of the island, ejected ash and cinders high into the air, along the noxious gases that forced the ships to retreat. At first the observers named this new island Haijima. However, when it grew to the point of merging with Minamijima, the new name was abandoned.

The eruption has continued on and off for the last half-century. Several more cones have emerged from the sea, contributing to the newly enlarged Minamijima, including one that has been steadily emitting lava for a decade. Minamijima has grown to twenty times its original size, and the central cone has risen to nearly fifteen hundred feet. Ships avoid the area near the island, as clouds of dangerous gas sometimes form suddenly and sweep across the ocean surface, suffocating all who are caught in their path. Occasionally there will be more violent explosion as well, sending cinders and hot stones hurtling through the air and smashing into the sea far away from their origin. A few incautious ships have been set alight by the volcanic debris as cinders landed in their sails and rigging, and both the Empire of Wamato and the Order of the Lightkeepers has made efforts to warn ships entering into the vicinity to keep their distance from the ongoing event.

Notable Spirits

Previous to the eruption, the island of Minamijima was not known to the home of any particular Kami, although it was assumed to have local nature spirits. When the eruptions began, the Emperor at the time consulted with the Kami of Fugaku, who is the queen of all the Kazan-no-Kami. She informed the Emperor that a new Kami was in the process of being born on Minamijima, and that when the birth was over, it would be proper and appropriate for the Emperor to visit the newborn in their home and arrange for the construction of the new Kami's shrine. At this point, the ongoing eruption has not permitted this official visit to take place, but the Kami of Fugaku has informed Emperor Ariwara Komachi that he should expect to undertake this duty sometime in the next ten years.


The island of Minamijima is roughly circular, with a diameter of a little over five miles. The central peak has been named Kajiyama, and has a bowl shaped crater at the summit. The landscape of the island is mostly barren rock, with a green area marking those parts of the original island that was not covered by lava flows. The plants and birds from this region have begun to spread to other parts of the island as well, although the ongoing volcanic activity has created several setbacks in this process.

Location under
Owning Organization
Geographic Details
Location: Northwestern Region
Latitude: 44.41 degrees North
Longitude: 70.02 degrees West
Average Elevation: 33 ft
Highest Point: 1,483 ft (Kajiyama)
Lowest Point: -3 ft
Area: 21.61 sq mi

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