Gyeongseong Geographic Location in The Million Islands | World Anvil
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Gyeongseong is the largest island in the Seom Islands. Once it was the domain of the Kingdom of Seomna, but since the conquest of the archipelago by the Empire of Wamato, it has become the center of the Tammura Prefecture.


Gyeongseong is an oval-shaped subtropical island that is dominated by Yeongjusan, an ancient volcano that formed the island eons ago. Most of the island slopes gently toward the mountain, with increasingly steep cliffs near the center.

Localized Phenomena

The island has an extensive network of lava tubes running beneath the surface. Some of these are very large, up to forty feet wide, and the Rengo use the larger ones for various purposes, including storage of food supplies. The deeper tubes stay cool even in the summer, which allows for longer shelf life of many staples.


When the Nakaal first called humans out of their home worlds and into this one, the island of Gyeongseong was densely populated by low Nakaal. It was due to a misunderstanding that the ancestors of the Rengo came to believe the island was named Gyeongseong - several of the arrivals originated in a city of that name, and the Nakaal they first interacted believed they were giving their name for the island, not their starting point. After the purging of the Nakaal by the Clarati, the name stuck among the Rengo.    Up until the conquest of the Seom Islands by the Empire of Wamato, Gyeongseong was ruled by the Chilseongsin, an ethnic group of Kikipua descended from the Nakaal. They were ruled by a king, and called their nation Seomna. When the Empire conquered Gyeongseong, they killed or drove out most of the Chilseongsin, and then classified the remainder as livestock rather than people. The Yanjin conquerors resettled the island with Rengo from the other islands of the archipelago, and forced the Chilseongsin to work for the human population, laboring in the fields and elsewhere as slaves.    Those of the Chilseongsin who escaped slaughter and enslavement took shelter wherever they could find it, and eventually formed the Imugi, an organization dedicated to the liberation of Gyeongseong and the re-establishment of the Kingdom of Seomna. The Wamato government derides the Imugi as pirates, and they do prey upon all kinds of shipping that passes through the region in order to support themselves. But their primary purpose remains to undermine and eliminate the human presence and Imperial control of Gyeongseong.
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Geographic Details
Location: Southwestern Region
Latitude: 37.38 degrees North
Longitude: 61.42 degrees West
Average Elevation: 322 ft
Highest Point: 6,309 ft (Yeongjusan)
Lowest Point: -3 ft
Area: 1,705.89 sq mi

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