Flachland Geographic Location in The Million Islands | World Anvil
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Flachland (flaχlənd)

Flachland is the fourth largest island in the Volksland island group. It is known for being unusually (perhaps unnaturally) flat and even. The entire island sits barely above sea level, and it seems like a high wave should be able to wash over it from east to west. Except for a strip of rocky shoreline a few miles wide, the island is covered in redgrass, a species of grass that is not found anywhere else. Redgrass grows up to ten feet tall and gets its name from the sticky red sap that oozes from the plant when a stem or leaf is cut. Once out of sight of the shore, it is very easy to get lost in the redgrass, which has led to persistent rumors that the interior of the island is much larger than the coastline would permit.

The island is inhabited by the Tief Cynn, a Eotish tribe who came south from Eotland at some point in the distant past. They are herders, and raise sheep, goats, horses, and cattle on Flachland. The animals thrive on the redgrass, although it stains their teeth, hair, and milk bright red. Red wool from Flachland is prized, as it is more vibrant than any dyed wool and never fades with time and washing. The animals raised by the Tief Cynn are notably large, healthy, and fertile, and Flachland can regularly export livestock to other islands. There are no large predators on the island, but the animals can be lost if allowed to wander into the interior. The Tief do not pursue animals that are lost in the grass, as it is too likely that any searchers would also be lost. Attempts to clear areas of redgrass have not been successful - the grass regrows at a remarkable rate. Burning sections of the grasslands proved disastrous, as burning redgrass emits a thick black smoke that does not rise, and produces powerful hallucinations while asphyxiating those who are trapped within it. Survivors of burning redgrass speak of the smoke taking on the shapes of giant men who try to throttle them, or reach their vaporous fingers into their victim's lungs.

While the redgrass is the best known feature of Flachland, it is not the only unusual thing on the island. Buried a few feet below the soil are massive stones that look like the remains of ancient buildings. They are marked with faded glyphs that do not correspond with any known language. All of the stones that have been found have been exactly the same distance beneath the ground, as if a great force had flattened everything to a uniform depth. Some of the blocks are partially crushed, with large chunks reduced to gravel.

The largest settlement on the island is Tiefhafen on the northeastern coast. It is the location of the Pferdemarkt, where the Tief sell their livestock to merchants, and buy goods that are not readily available on the island. Flachland horses are considered particularly good stock for cavalry, and are known for their fierce temperments and how little bothered they are by the smells and sounds of war. Other major exports include various types of wool and cheese.

Notable Spirits

Tief legends speak of the 'Giants of the Grass', or the Grasriese. There are said to be two of them, and they are asleep somewhere deep in the redgrass. The Tief consider is essential that the Grasriese remain asleep, for their awakening will herald the final battle which sunders all. They craft scarecrows out of redgrass and old clothes, which they believe will tend to the Grasriese and keep them from waking up. These scarecrows are placed on the edge of the grass at sundown, and invariably vanish before dawn.


  • Flachland
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Geographic Details
Location: Northeastern Region
Latitude: 59.25 degrees North
Longitude: 45.33 degrees East
Average Elevation: 0 ft
Highest Point: 0 ft
Lowest Point: 0 ft
Area: 480 sq mi (based on coastal measurements)


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