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Eg (eːj)

Eg is the largest island in the Volksland island group, located in the southwestern region of the Norður Islands. It is home to the Biegen clans, the leaders of whom make up the Egþeod.

The largest settlement on the island is the port city of Handelshafen, located in the Egflussdelta region on the western coast. It is the seat of the Egþeod, and the busiest port in the Volksland.

Notable Spirits

According to Biegen folklore, the island of Eg is the body of the goddess Egebende. She is portrayed as the mother of all who live on the island, as well as the many smaller islands which dot the seas near Eg. Egebende is a goddess of fertility and plenty, and the Biegen hold the festival of Feldpflügen in her honor every spring, where various offerings such as bread, beer, and pickles are buried in the fields to ensure a successful harvest in the autumn.


Eg has a rugged and mountainous terrain that is covered in dense forests and rocky cliffs that overlook the sea. The Egfluss is the island's most notable feature, flowing through the heart of the island before emptying into the sea. The river is wide and deep, making it an essential trade route for the Biegen people.

The highest point on the island is the mountain named Kronenberg. This mountain reaches 2,500 feet at the summit, and is named for the unusual crown-like formation that adorns the peak.


The ecosystem of Eg is diverse, with a mix of coastal and forest habitats. The island's coastal regions are home to a wide variety of marine life, including fish, crabs, and mollusks. In the forests are many animals, including deer, wild boar, and wolves. The Egfluss supports a unique ecosystem of its own, with a variety of aquatic plants and animals that have adapted to life in the fast-moving waters. Flusstrollen lurk in the deeper parts of the Eg, and will occasionally attempt to wreck boats in order to capture and consume the boatmen.

Natural Resources

Eg is rich in natural resources, including timber and metal ores. The island's forests provide a ready supply of timber for shipbuilding and other industries, while the mines are a source of valuable minerals such as iron and copper.


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Included Locations
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Inhabiting Species
Geographic Details
Location: Northeastern Region
Latitude: 59.24 degrees North
Longitude: 42 degrees East
Average Elevation: 600 ft
Highest Point: 2,500 ft (Kronenberg)
Lowest Point: 0 ft (Egflussdelta)
Area: 2,715 sq mi

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